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    Title: 居家照顧服務員經歷職業風險之初探
    A preliminary study on the experiences of the occupational risks of home care workers
    Authors: 劉懿
    Liu, Yi
    Contributors: 呂寶靜
    Liu, Yi
    Keywords: 居家照顧服務員
    Home care workers
    Occupational risks
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2018-06-01 15:53:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   居家照顧服務員是長期照顧服務體系中重要的半專業人力,更是最頻繁與服務對象直接接觸的服務人員。本研究之目的即在於初探居家照顧服務員之職業風險,係採用質性研究方法,以立意抽樣選擇8名居家照顧服務員進行深度訪談,研究發現如下。
    In the long-term care services delivery system, home care workers are not only the important semi-professional manpower, but also the service staff that have the most frequent direct contact with the service recipients. On this account, this study aimed to explore the occupational risk of home care workers. In this study, the qualitative research method was used and eight home care workers were selected through the purposive sampling method to conduct in-depth interviews. The research findings are summarized as follows.
    Traditional occupational risks for home care workers include: infectious diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, sexual harassment, dog bites, and traffic accidents. Traditional occupational risks mostly occur in the work scenarios, which means that such risks are more related to home care workers’ work content, service recipients, and the working environment. Despite being in different forms, all of the traditional occupational risks cause physical injuries and discomfort to home care workers and further affect their emotions and feelings, and even ultimately lead to the adverse changes in their economy and life. It is clear that these occupational risks indeed bring physical and mental insecurity and danger to home care workers.
    New occupational risks for home care workers include: third party violence, emotional charges, impairment of reputation, involvement of medical or nursing behaviors, and property damages. Compared to traditional occupational risks that mostly occur in the work environment, new occupational risks are more related to interpersonal interaction, working areas, and the nature of the work. It is worth noticing that compared to traditional occupational risks, new occupational risks do not necessarily have specific visible symptoms, and they also have considerable diverse forms and causes. Except for third-party violence, new occupational risks hardly cause physical harms to home care workers; however, they are more likely to affect home care workers psychologically and even make them resistant to providing service. The derived effects are never slight because they are invisible.
    Home care workers believe that occupational risks exist with characteristics of being in diverse forms, unable to completely prevent, uncertain, and sudden. Therefore, home care workers particularly pay attention to self-protection when facing occupational risks. Based on the objective existence of occupational risks, home care workers also gradually develop risk assessment strategies to protect themselves along with the accumulation of seniority and experience.
    Based on the research findings, this study suggests the following recommendations: enhance the supervision mechanism of home care services units, assist home care workers to establish peer support groups, improve the economic security of home care workers, cultivate younger home care workers, and develop more diverse services resources for dementia. The research limitation of this study is that all interviewees are middle-aged women and their working areas are mostly in the northern Taiwan, and thus the information obtained may lack different gender, age and geographical perspectives. Also, the home care workers selected in this study are all in-service, so that it is unable for this study to present the experience of former home care workers who have left their jobs for suffering from occupational risks.
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