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Title: | 政府開放資料使用族群影響力認知評估 -以台灣經驗為例 Open Government Data Impact Cognition of Data Users: A Taiwan Study |
Authors: | 吳昱明 Wu, Yu-Ming |
Contributors: | 朱斌妤 Chu, Pin-Yu 吳昱明 Wu, Yu-Ming |
Keywords: | 電子化政府影響力評估 政府資料開放政策 開放政府 Evaluation of E-Government impact Open government data Open government |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2018-06-01 15:52:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,政府資料開放(Open Government Data)政策的研究蔚為一片學術研究的藍海,成為各國政府、企業以及公民社會共同關注的治理議題。然而,過去研究聚焦於資料品質以及政府開放資料動機等研究,較少關注開放資料使用族群以及開放資料影響力。因此,本研究從使用者影響力認知著手,探討我國政府資料開放現狀,並且盤點開放資料能否體現透明課責、參與協作等精神,並且促進在政治、社會與經濟上的各種效益。 本次研究採用次級資料分析以及質性訪談方式進行,開放資料影響力問卷部分雜揉各國際組織近年來倡議方向編製而成,衡量指標為透明課、參與協作以及政治、經濟與社會預期效益,發放對象我國開放資料使用族群。質性訪談部分,則觸及我國開放資料的政策執行者、倡議者以及服務開發者,蒐集不同角色之間對於開放資料影響力的認知與意見。 研究顯示,我國開放政府尚未走向以資料利用為前提並且促進公民參與協作與創新的階段。在各項影響力指標當中,我國使用族群對於透明指標的現況較為樂觀,但是對於開放資料促進社會影響力部分則前景堪憂,多數受訪者認為當前開放資料影響力不彰的原因在於缺乏良好且具規模的資料轉化機制,除了政府各單位在推動政策上所遇到的瓶頸之外,政府與民間社群對於資料創新也缺乏想像,因此以資料利用為前提來精進政府資料開放政策實有必要,本研究根據結論提出政策與後續研究上相關建議。 As a field of practice and research that is fast-growing and a locus for much attention and activity, open government data (OGD) has attracted stakeholders from different sectors. The open data movement holds out the promise of improving transparency, accountability, citizen participation. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear if Taiwanese government are truly fulfilling these promises. Current literature on open government data has uncovered a wide range of challenges related to data qualities and barriers of policy implementation. In other words, most of the open data research based on a technology-driven perspective, rather than a focus on the potential public value and social benefits of data to be used. As a result, the purpose of this study is to test an open data impact evaluative framework and reveal the open data impact cognition among data users in Taiwn from a variety of origins. This study adopts quantitative method, applying secondary analysis, and qualitative method, applying interview survey, in the meantime. The research subjects include different data users in this field, such as open government initiators, developers and policy executors. This study shows that the impact of open data in Taiwan is limited. Although Taiwan obtained a top ranking of Global Open Data Index these years, Taiwanese government and civil society hasn’t tapped the full potential of open data on promoting public value or creating social benefits. As open data initiatives spread across the globe, research is needed that can deepen our shared understanding of the open data potential in creating a better democratic society. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 104256033 |
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