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    Title: 不同型態影音教材之眼動行為與學習成效關聯研究
    Correlation Analysis between Eye Movement Behavior and Learning Performance for Different Types of Video Lectures
    Authors: 周慶鴻
    Chou, Ching-Horng
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Chou, Ching-Horng
    Keywords: 多媒體影音教材
    Multimedia audio and video material
    Eye movement index
    Area of interest
    Fixation time
    Learning outcome
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-05-02 15:47:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 多媒體影音教材已被廣泛使用於網路學習之教學場域,並且已發展出許多不同的多媒體影音教材型態,這些不同的多媒體影音教材型態,以及教材的組成元素如何影響數位學習成效值得深入探究。本研究使用可攜式眼動追蹤儀及穩定控制之實驗環境,隨機選取某公立高中高三普通班十六位學生進行眼動實驗,由受測學生依序觀看目前被廣泛採用的圖像影音動態教學式(picture in picture, PIP)及平面講述靜態教學式(voice over presentation, VOP)二種不同型態多媒體影音教材之興趣區(頭像、投影片、字幕、標題),探討包括三個眼動指標(凝視時間、凝視次數、回視次數)與學習成效之間的相關聯性。
    Multimedia audio and video materials have been broadly applied to the teaching field of web-based learning, and various multimedia audio and video materials have been developed. It is worth studying the effect of such multimedia audio and video materials and the component elements on digital learning outcome. With a portable eye tracker and stably controlled experiment environment, 16 G12 students, in a public senior high school, are randomly selected for the eye movement experiment. The participants would sequentially view the area of interests (profiles, slides, subtitles, titles) of two types of multimedia audio and video materials, picture in picture (PIP) and voice over presentation (VOP), to discuss the correlations between three eye movement indices (fixation time, number of fixation times, number of regression times) and learning outcome.
    The result reveals that learners using picture in picture (PIP) present significant learning outcome, while ones with voice over presentation (VOP) do not appear remarkable learning outcome. Moreover, picture in picture (PIP) notably outperforms voice over presentation (VOP). The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis result shows that the learners with verbal-oriented cognitive style present notably positive correlations between the fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides and titles in voice over presentation (VOP) and the posttest results, while those with image-oriented cognitive style do not. The fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides, profile, subtitles, and titles in picture in picture (PIP) do not show significant correlations with learners’ posttest results. Finally, both picture in picture (PIP) and voice over presentation (VOP) appear the most fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides, followed by teachers’ profiles, and titles the least.
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