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Title: | 毒品法庭的批判性考察 A Critical Analysis of Drug Courts |
Authors: | 林俊儒 Lin, Jun Ru |
Contributors: | 謝如媛 Hsieh, Ju Yuan 林俊儒 Lin, Jun Ru |
Keywords: | 毒品法庭 問題解決型法庭 治療式司法 合作式司法 刑事法庭 施用毒品罪 病患型犯人 緩起訴 緩刑 戒癮治療 特別預防 醫療人權 Drug court Problem-solving court Therapeutic justice Collaborative justice Criminal court Drug use Patient and prisoner Deferred prosecution Suspended sentence Addiction treatment Special prevention Rights of patients and health care |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-04-09 15:55:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 毒品法庭自美國發展而逐漸影響世界各地,甚至成為台灣修法倡議,是晚近刑事政策的重要議題。為深入了解毒品法庭,除介紹制度的發展概況與具體內涵外,尚將進一步考掘歷史成因及改革困境,並從制度構造及程序法理的二方面剖析其所引發的爭議。最後,將問題帶回台灣,在透過實證數據理解實務現況的基礎上,將改革情勢與制度問題脈絡化進行比較研究,試圖從刑事政策的觀點提出評價性建議,以作為台灣毒品施用者處遇的策進方向。
毒品法庭於其權限範圍內,避免對於毒品施用者施加刑罰,而改採治療的態度與方法,促使其參與以治療為主、多元且細緻的處遇。在此同時,也視其表現給予懲罰或獎勵,進行嚴密監督以強化治療義務的要求,加深毒品施用者兼具病人與犯人身分的矛盾。另一方面,程序轉為合作、案主導向、問題解決,則與以往對抗、案件導向、真實發現有別。藉此反思台灣毒品施用者處遇,重要的毋寧是檢討制度的各種爭議,以及其背後所顯示的刑事政策的價值選擇。 Drug Courts that have risen from development in the United States have had a gradual influence on the rest of the world, and have even been amended into Taiwanese law. This has been an important issue in recent discussions of criminal policy. In order to understand Drug Courts in detail, this article first introduces the background and the contents of the system, and then explores historical causes and reform dilemmas. It then analyzes the issue from the perspective of institutional structure and procedural legal principles. To then focus the issue back on Taiwan, on the basis of understanding the current state of practice through empirical data, a comparative study of the context of reform and institutional issues is conducted. Finally, this article will attempt to put forward a proposal for an evaluation from the perspective of criminal policy as a strategy for dealing with drug addicts in Taiwan.
Within its jurisdiction, the Drug Court will avoid applying penalties to drug users, and instead adopt attitudes and methods that focus on meticulous and multi-faceted methods that promote participation in treatment. At the same time, they also punish or reward based on performance, carry out strict supervision aimed at strengthening requirements and treatment obligations, and deepen the contradiction between the identity of patients and prisoners among drug users. On the other hand, the transition of procedures to collaboration, case-director orientation, and problem solving is different from confrontation, case-orientation, and truth discovery. In this regard, it is important to reflect on the problems with the system and the choice of values of the criminal policy seen behind them. |
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John S. Goldkamp, Michael D. White, Jennifer B. Robinson. 2001. Do drug courts work? Getting inside the drug court black box. Journal of Drug Issues 31(1): 27-72. 43. John Terrence A. Rosenthal. 2002. Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Drug Treatment Courts: Integrating Law and Science. Pp. 145-171 in Drug Court in Theory and in Practice, edited by James L. Nolan, New York: Aldine de gruyter. 44. Judith S. Kaye. 2004. Delivering Justice Today: A Problem-Solving Approach. Yale Law and Policy Review 22: 125-151. 45. Judy H. Kluger et al. 2001. The Impact of Problem-Solving on the Lawyer`s Role and Ethics, Fordham Urban Law Journal 29(5): 1893-1924. 46. Kerwin Kaye. 2015. Rehabilitating the ‘drugs lifestyle’: Criminal justice, social control, and the cultivation of agency. Ethnography 14(2): 207-232. 47. Mae C. Quinn. 2007. An RSVP to Professor Wexler`s Warm Therapeutic Jurisprudence Invitation to the Criminal Defense Bar: Unable to Join You, Already (Somewhat Similarly) Engaged. 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(二)期刊與專書論文 1. 甘利航司(2012),非拘禁的措置と社会内処遇の課題と展望。刑事立法研究会編,非拘禁的措置と社会内処遇の課題と展望,頁36-72,東京:現代人文社。 2. 謝如媛(2007),社会内処遇をめぐる台湾の現状ー2005年の法改正を中心に,刑事立法研究会編,更生保護制度改革のゆくえー犯罪をした人の社会復帰のために,頁328-349,東京:現代人文社。 3. 謝如媛(2009),薬物乱用に関する台湾の法規範と刑事政策,矯正講座,29号,頁111-143。 4. 森村たまき(2007),ドラッグ・コートの10の構成要素,石塚伸一編,日本版ドラッグ・コート―処罰から治療へ,頁89-98,東京:日本評論社。 5. 森村たまき(2007),ドラッグ・コート前史―アメリカにおける薬物政策の変遷,石塚伸一編,日本版ドラッグ・コート―処罰から治療へ,頁72-76,東京:日本評論社。 6. 西村直之(2013),薬物依存とは何か?~回復支援の限界を超えるために~,石塚伸一編,薬物政策への新たなる挑戦──日本版ドラッグ・コートを越えて,頁205-215,東京:日本評論社。 7. 尾田真言(2007),ドラッグ・コート制度,石塚伸一編,日本版ドラッグ・コート―処罰から治療へ,頁80-89,東京:日本評論社。
(三)其他 1. 叁議院議事錄情報(2011/11/24),第179回国会法務委員会第4回,http://www.sangiin.go.jp/japanese/kaigijoho/shitsugi/179/s065_0003.html(最後瀏覽日:2018/3/18)。 |
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