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    Title: 以Instagram限時動態探討社會資本對幸福感的影響
    The impact of social capital via Instagram stories upon well-being
    Authors: 徐華國
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Keywords: Instagram限時動態
    Stories of Instagram
    Social capital
    Relationship maintenance
    Social support
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 12:07:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來社交媒體發展迅速,以Facebook為代表的社群網站已多次被證實在維繫線上與線下的人際互動上扮演舉足輕重的角色。而誕生至今近六年的時間,Instagram在各大社群數據排行中已擠進前五名。Instagram自身的社交與媒體屬性給用戶多樣的使用方式,使用者不僅可以透過Instagram進行人際互動累積社會資本,更能透過互動中獲得自身心理的幸福感。而近期Instagram新增的「限時動態」功能,更開創出一個新的社交模式,允許用戶更容易進行一對一的社交互動。

    The rise of social media has changed the way people interact with each other. Literatures have examined social media such as how Facebook could help people maintain interpersonal interaction online and offline. And nearly six years after birth of Instagram, it has topped the first five rankings in major social media. Instagram`s own social and media attributes give users a variety of ways in which users can not only accumulate social capital through social interaction via Instagram, but also gain their own psychological well-being through interaction. The new function on “Stories” let Instagram create a new social model that makes it easier for users to engage in one-on-one social interactions.

    In this study, we will use Stories of Instagram as the main research approach to examine the significance of usage intensity, bonding and bridging social capital, and well-being. Based on 482 internet questionnaire survey, this study finds that usage intensity indicates significance influence to bonding and bridging social capital. Bonding and bridging social capital indicate significance influence to well-being. The study also found that users are more likely to get a higher sense of psychological well-being through interaction with bonding social capital. This study opens up a new avenue for research on Instagram and quotes from past literatures such as Social Capital and Well-being integrating into Instagram.
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