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    Title: 以創意資本的觀點看城市的創意循環發展 —以臺中市草悟道街區為例
    The creative cycles of urban development from the perspective of creative capitals: A case study on the Calligraphy Greenway in Taichung City
    Authors: 劉佩姍
    Liu, Pei Shan
    Contributors: 張瑜倩
    Chang, Yu Chien
    Liu, Pei Shan
    Keywords: 創意街區
    Creative cluster
    Creative capitals
    5Cs of creative index
    Creative cycle
    The Calligraphy Greenway of Taichung City
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 12:03:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球開始以「創意城市」觀點檢視都市再生和經濟發展議題,臺灣行政院則在「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」中將「文化創意產業」視為重點計畫之一,而臺北市文化局也提出「創意街區」計畫,重視生活美學與地方文化認同,進而形塑城市的生活風格。

    過去的研究多為政府由上而下主導的個案,本研究旨在探究民間由下而上的力量如何形塑創意氛圍,釐清其中關鍵創意資本的影響。本研究綜合Landry(2000)的創意循環理論和Hui et al(2005)提出的創意資本5Cs理論,期望能更系統性地了解在創意循環發展中,各階段的關鍵創意資本。本研究採質性研究的個案研究法,以「臺中市草悟道街區」作為個案,透過深度訪談街區發展的重要組織成員,以瞭解草悟道街區的發展脈絡及其中的關鍵資本要素。

    It is a phenomenon that a great number of countries started to examine the interaction between urban regeneration and economic development from the perspective of creative cities. Taiwan`s Executive Yuan regarded cultural and creative industries as one of the major projects in the “Challenge 2008: National Key Development Plan”. The department of cultural affairs in Taipei City also proposed the “creative cluster project’’, attaching its importance to life aesthetics and local cultural identity, in order to shape the city`s lifestyle.

         Existing literature paid attentions on cases which were ‘top-down’, led by the government. However, when discussing cultural and creative industries that are run mainly by ‘bottom-up’ power. In this sense, this thesis aims to discuss how the bottom-up case shapes the creative atmosphere and explore the impacts and key creative capitals in the process of forming the creative cycle. Based on “the cycle of creativity” (Landry, 2000) and the “5Cs of Creative Index” (Hui, 2005), this thesis tries to figure out a framework which could clarify the key creative capital in each stage of the creative cycle in the Calligraphy Greenway in Taichung City.

    This study is a qualitative research in nature. Case study and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Through the in-depth interviews with seven key members of Calligraphy Greenway in Taichung City, this study finds out that human capital initiates the cycle of creativity and serves as the driving force for a sustainable cycle of creativity, by the means of constantly being introspective and adjusting the ways of developments in the process. In addition, social capital plays an important role in attracting creative talents to join the creative cluster and thus establishes the network of art, culture and society through interpersonal interactions and the co-participation. Further, cultivating the demand and supply for the future arts and culture market is also the key point for developing the sustainable cycle of creativity.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043641041
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