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Title: | 應用區塊鏈技術建構文書存在證明系統 A System of Proofing Document Exists Based on Blockchain |
Authors: | 蔡秉翰 Tsai, Ping-Han |
Contributors: | 宋皇志 Sung, Huang-Chih 蔡秉翰 Tsai, Ping-Han |
Keywords: | 區塊鏈 著作權 數位檔案 Blockchain Copyright Digital document |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2018-03-02 12:03:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在人類發展文明之中,「信任」被認為是任何關係的基本,信任可以透過是本於初心的信任,也可能是基於遵守道德守則、法律或承諾等方式。德國社會學家盧曼(Niklas Luhmann):「信任是為了簡化人與人之間的合作關係」,足見信任一事的重要性。 然而,社會文明發展至今,肇因於「不信任」而發生的衝突不勝枚舉,可以小致是婚後的離婚,大則可以是國與國之間友好關係的毀壞,生活中的互信其實存在於各個角落。 當然,聰穎的人類發展出了增加信任的方式,例如白紙黑字等,但隨著科技的演進、文明的推演,需要建立「信任」的領域越趨多元,因而產生了法院、公證等等相對應的制度。 本論文即針對如何在科技之中,特別是數位資訊之中,透過技術實際操作的方式,建立一套針對數位文書存在證明的系統,以解決至今從公證、認證制度,到數位證據的問題,甚至到著作權創作歷程證明的問題,試圖透過目前技術的創舉:區塊鏈(Blockchain)的方式,建構一個系統解決存在至今的社會問題及現象。並試圖在此實際操作的過程中,提供更多的結論及建議以供後續研究者參考。 Trust” is being consider the foundation of the history of human civilization; it could be a person rely on another, moral, ethic, or even law or commitment. A famous German sociologist, Niklas Luhmann insists, “Trust is a basic fact of life without which society would not function” It shows how trust has played an important role in human history. However, the conflicts base on “distrust” are countless, it could be a little matter such as divorces, or could be a rupture of diplomatic relations of two countries. Trust is almost everywhere around our life. We people, of course, develop several ways to enhance the trust in daily life, such as contract, with the civilization progress; trust transform to different way in life such as court, jury, or even the system of notarization and authentication…etc. This research is focus on, especially in digital information, how to use a technology way to build a system of proofing a document data ever exists, in order to solve the problem like notarization, authentication, digital evidence in criminal case, or even the record of creation under copyright until nowadays. This research also using blockchain to build a complete system, trying to give a best way to solve the problem above. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 104364120 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104364120 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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