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    Title: 網路平台的體驗對奢侈品的消費影響
    The internet experience in luxury consumption
    Authors: 曾紹祥
    Tseng, Shao Shiang
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Tseng, Shao Shiang
    Keywords: 網路平台
    The internet
    Internet medium
    Experience economy
    Millennial generation
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 12:02:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位浪潮衝擊各大產業,體驗之需求也持續上升。然而,也因為千禧世代之成長,體驗不再侷限於實體之體驗,更需配合千禧世代之特性、需求轉換至網路平台上。過往,追求實際觸摸、感受的奢侈品品牌又該如何透過網路平台吸引千禧世代之目光。

    本研究透過體驗模組之五種感受感官、情感、思考、行動與關聯於網路平台上的使用,採用個案研究法,歸納數位先驅者— Burberry、最具成效者— Gucci 以及奢侈品界之龍頭Louis Vuitton 三家公司於網路平台上之策略,是如何成功地讓三者之營收節節上升,獲得千禧世代之好評。也根據三者於網路平台上之行為與體驗五感之關聯,找出千禧世代的喜好,歸納其特性。

    The digital trend makes an impact on all walks of life. The demand for experience is also increased. However, because of the growth of the millennial generation, the experience is no longer confined to the experience of the brick and mortar shops, but also with the characteristics of the millennial generation to convert to the Internet. The luxury brands pursue people to touch, see and try, so that how to appeal the millennial generation via Internet nowadays.

    This work applies case study method, analytic frame is adopted from the Strategic Experiential Modules — SENSE、FEEL、THINK、ACT and RELATE. To conclude the strategy on Internet of the digital pioneer — Burberry、the most effective — Gucci and the leading of luxury brands — Louis Vuitton. Try to find out how they made their revenue rise and got the attention of the millennial generation. According to the correlation between the behaviour of three cases on Internet and the five experiences, to understand the most important experience the millennial generation like.

    The results show that the Internet experience transcends time and space. Not just Schmitt(1999)mentioned electronic media is one of the Experience Providers, the Internet itself contains other providers. On Internet, the luxury brands can provide multi-experience in the same time and then attract more millennial generation by the RELATE experience. Creating the topic and spreading by the focus of the millennial generation to strike a chord. Using ACT and THINK to enhance the emotional connection between the millennial generation. Besides, multi-directional communication on Internet and the experiential consistency in entity stores and the Internet are also playing an important role. The Internet is not only a single provider but also the key to the millennial generation’s world.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104364115
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