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    Title: 愛沙尼亞與拉脫維亞語言政策之研究
    A Study on Language Policies in Estonia and Latvia
    Authors: 利國楙
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Keywords: 蘇聯解體
    The dissolution of the Soviet Union
    Language policy
    Official language
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 11:59:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 蘇聯解體後,有大量的俄羅斯人生活在前蘇聯加盟共和國內。像是愛沙尼亞與拉脫維亞在獨立過後,有三分之一的人口是俄裔人口。而大多數的俄裔人口都仍偏好使用俄語作為生活用語。此時,便延伸出一個問題,是否應針對這些少數民族俄裔人口之語言權利而增加官方語言。因此,在語言政策方面,便是一個極為關鍵的議題。
    Many Russians lived former Soviet republics after the dissolution of the Soviet Un- ion. Therefore, one third of the population was still Russian after Estonia and Latvia independence. Most of the Russians still prefer to use Russian for daily basis. The lan- guage policy was becoming a crucial topic to discuss whether those countries should add Russian for official language. This policy would strongly relate to the language rights of minority Russians.
    This paper will discuss the Soviet Union historical background which analyze the lan- guage policies of different period, and then discuss the background of linguistic poli- cies and language law in order in Estonia and Latvia.
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