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    政大典藏 > College of Law > Department of Law > Theses >  Item 140.119/116087
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    Title: 論競選支出管制之合憲性
    On the Constitutionality of Campaign Expenditure Regulation
    Authors: 邱品嘉
    Chiu, Pin Chia
    Contributors: 廖元豪
    Chiu, Pin Chia
    Keywords: 競選言論
    Campaign speech
    Campaign finance
    Campaign expenditure
    Independent expenditure
    Political equality
    Political corruption
    Buckley v. Valeo
    Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 11:50:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 競選支出管制體現著一國政治發展的軌跡。美國各時期的競選支出管制,皆是為了因應政治發展下無可避免的弊害。這些制度的偏離,有些源自於科技的自然發展,有些則是先前的管制的不良產物。由此可知,政治並不存在完全的「自然狀態」,制度環境深深影響著民主的運作。



    The regulation of campaign expenditure traces a country’s political development. Regulations enacted in different periods in U.S. history are intended to respond to certain inevitable maladies arising from political developments. Some of the institutional distractions come from the natural progress of technology, others are the results of previous regulations. Therefore, there is nothing “natural” in politics, democracy is deeply affected by the institutional background in which it operates.

    However, the current U.S. Supreme Court comes with a different idea. According to recent opinions of the Court, deregulated elections are the basis of the ideal political process, and unlimited expenditure is natural in politics. As a result, almost every measure to regulate campaign expenditure is abnormal in a democracy.

    This thesis disagrees with the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinions. As this thesis points out, these opinions are derived from a pluralistic view of democracy, rather than the natural status of democracy. Furthermore, contrary to the recognition of the Court, the U.S. Constitution implies a paradigm of Republicanism. Based on this paradigm, the regulation of expenditure is not “wholly foreign” to the Constitution.

    In Taiwan, campaign expenditure is still under a light touch regulation regime. However, in order to promote political equality and prevent political corruption in the election process, it is necessary to learn from the U.S. experiences. In addition, our Constitution similarly implies an idea of Republicanism to that of the U.S. Therefore, the regulation of campaign expenditure is not “wholly foreign” to our constitution, either. Building on the experiences of campaign expenditure regulation in the U.S., I believe that some legislative reform proposals are worthy of consideration.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1026510161
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