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Title: | 雲端ERP帶動傳統產業生產力升級之個案分析 A Case Study on the Cloud ERP for Enhancing Productivity of of Traditional Industry |
Authors: | 江若綸 Chiang, Juo-Lun |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 江若綸 Chiang, Juo-Lun |
Keywords: | 傳統產業 競爭優勢 雲端ERP 工業4.0 羊群效應理論 從眾行為 Traditional industry Competitive advantage Cloud ERP Industry 4.0 Herd behavior Conformity |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2018-03-02 11:41:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討生產力4.0計畫推進ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, Gartner Group Inc. 1990)軟體在產業管理系統的關鍵地位。從ERP軟體系統一直未能在企業百分之百順利建置的角度,分析企業在系統軟體導入過程中,內外關係人影響力造成的失效率,探討以羊群行為減低失效率,提升ERP成功比率,期以降低經營管理的沉沒成本。
通常企業要成功導入ERP系統,是取決於有效的專案管理(Loh and Koh, 2004)。而BPR (business process reengineering)是導入ERP系統的關鍵作業標準,例如Oracle的AIM(application, implementation, methodology)、SAP的ASAP(accelerated SAP)、鼎新的TIM(top implementation methodology)和江氏的FIT(fine implementation tool)。在過去24年來卻已緩緩偏離了企業實作科技(operational technology, OT)的基礎,包括經驗與務實(empirical and practice)的運作程序,依靠以資訊科技(information technology, IT)的標準節點為入口導向。
設若BPR標準操作流程,於導入期間重視經驗與務實的影響力,能夠妥適引導轉移(proper piloting migration, PPM)作最佳化適配(adaptation)。則建置和使用ERP系統(system)的策略,是整合網際網路(cyber)的市場價值和實體(physical)的執行績效,達成企業生產力4.0計畫的CPS虛實整合,為運營上帶來一項資產(asset),而非遺產(legacy)。 The study investigates possibly raising successful installation rate by Herd Behivor for the software of Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP (Gartner Group Inc. 1990) under Industry 4.0 Project. According to the historical data that reducing available rate of stakeholder influence would drop the sunk cost of information technology management. Usually enterprises in order to get an effectiveness of ERP installation, it depends on whether using proper project management (Loh and Koh, 2004). However, BPR (business process reengineering) was acting a key factor of standard operation procedure under project management in past 24 years, such as the Oracle’s AIM (application, implementation, methodology)、SAP’s ASAP (accelerated SAP)、Digiwin’s TIM (top implementation methodology) and Chiang’s FIT (fine implementation tool) . What failed rate of ERP installation is still high around industry, due to information technology (IT) instead of operational technology (OT). Meanwhile, the BRP could switch over to emphasize the empirical experience of piloting migration (PPM) of ERP on individual business. It would guide an optimal adaptation between operational site and information platform, the strategy of using ERP system is in order to combine both benefits as the marketing value of cyber and the manufacturing productivity of physical. There is the synergy coming from Industry 4.0 Project as well as an asset for the enterprise under a systematic integration of virtual cyber and physical reality. |
Reference: | 中文部份 雲端如何成功? ,電子工程專輯 http://www.eettaiwan.com 跨界聯盟,中華電打造數位雨林 聯合新聞網http://udn.com 區域網路,WiKipedia http://en.wikipedia.org 雲端運算,林佳瑜,碁峰資訊股份有限公司 ISBN 978-986-181-649-4 分布式計算,Wikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org 分散式系統,義守大學資訊管理學,www.csie.isu.edu.tw 雲端計算,Kisplay http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php? 嵌入式系統概論,王穎聰,銘傳大學資訊網路處 新世代計算機概論,陳惠貞,學貫行銷公司,ISBN 978-986-263-003-7 軟體管理學,傑爾德˙溫伯格,經濟新潮社,ISBN 978-986-6031-13-7 資訊作戰,Leigh Armistead ,國防部史政編譯室 價值鏈管理,包德溫,哈佛商業評論,天下文化,ISBN 957-621-947-7 iTcloud企業雲端專刊, 2012.07 ,iThome電腦報週刊 巨量資料淘金不容易, 2012 No.17 ,CIO IT經理人 英文部分 1. Balkin, S.D. and Lin, D.K.J.(2000). Aneural network approach to Response surface methodology. Commun. Statist.-theory Meth., 29, 2215-2227 2. Bradford, M. and J. Florin. 2003. Examining the role of innovation diffusion Factors on the implementation success of enterprise resource planning systems. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 4, 205-225. 3. Chien, T.K. & Tseng, H.S. (2009). How can we successfully implement the ERP activity. IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, 295-300. 4. DeLone, W. H. and E. R. McLean. 2003. The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: A ten-year update. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19:4, 9-30. 5. Duplaga, E. A. and M. Astani. 2003. Implementing ERP in manufacturing. Information Systems Management, 20:3, 68-75. 6. Ehie, I.C. & Madsen, M. (2005). Identifying critical issues in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation. Computers in Industry, 56(6), 545-557,. 7. Julie, D & Jonathan, O. (2008). Critical Success Factors in the Chartering Phase: A Case Study of an ERP Implementation. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 4(3), 9. 8. Kamhawi, E. M. (2007). University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain, Critical Factors for Implementation Success of ERP Systems. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 3(2), edited by Angappa Gunasekaran c, IGI Global. 9. Mahyar Amini, Nazli Sadat Safavi (2013). Critical Success Factors for ERP Implementation, 5 (16), International Journal of Information Technology & Information Systems 10. MAJED, A., ABDULLAH, A. and MOHAMED, Z. (2003) Enterprise resource planning: Ataxonomy of critical factors. European Journal of Operational Research (146), pp 352-364. 11. Mohammad Reza Moohebat, Asefeh Asemi, Mohammad Davarpanah Jazi (2010), A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in Implementation of ERP in Developed and Developing Countries. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2. 12. Myers, Raymond H. and Montgomery, Douglas C.(2002). Response surface methodology process and product optimization using designed experiments (2nd ed.). New York :John Wiley & Sons. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 102932089 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102932089 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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