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    Title: 運用資料包絡分析法評量行政法人經營績效之研究-以 A 法人為例
    A Study on Performance Evaluation of the Administrative Institution by Using Data Envelopment Analysis Method – An Example of A Administrative Institution
    Authors: 周達敏
    Contributors: 黃慶堂
    Keywords: 行政法人
    Administrative corporation
    Performance measurement
    Data envelopment analysis
    Defense science and technology
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-02-05 16:09:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,「新公共管理」及「政府再造」已蔚為世界潮流,公共政策以民意為依歸,施政方向取決於民眾的滿意度,因此績效的衡量成為提升行政績效的基礎。我國自2002年始制定科技組織績效評鑑制度,作為各研究機構訂定評估作業之參考,對研究機構評估機制的重視可見一般。A法人為以國防科技研究發展為主的研究機構,自2014年轉型為行政法人,究竟其轉型前後其經營績效如何? 乃為本研究主要動機。
    Along with the conception of "new public management" and "government reengineering" thrive around the world, every country starts to negotiate about public opinions. As important roles of satisfaction of the general public, the measurement of public policies performance has become the basis for enhancing administrative performance. We had formulated a performance appraisal system for scientific and technological organizations in 2002 as a reference for evaluating research assignments by research institutes. It means that evaluation mechanism for research institutes has become the global trend.
    This thesis examines the impact of administrative corporation on operating performance, not only evaluating the achievement rate of organization goal, but also promoting resource utilization efficiency. In order to evaluate the performance of the administrative corporation, this study uses data envelopment analysis to evaluate the relative efficiency among research institutes. Through the empirical result, the change of scale efficiency led to an increase in the size of the organization. Moreover, the scale efficiency is generally higher than the pure technical efficiency among relatively inefficient units. We found that inefficient units should increase pure technical efficiencies to improve their productivities.
    Eventually, we did confirm that there are too many resources invested in capital expenditures and output value is too low. Therefore, as output value is subject to the country budget, inefficiency units should give priority to reducing capital input to improve performance.
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