題名: | 台灣中小企業對企業社會責任認知與實踐 Cognition and implementation of CSR for SMEs in Taiwan |
作者: | 林品青 Lin, Pin Ching |
貢獻者: | 彭立忠 林品青 Lin, Pin Ching |
關鍵詞: | 中小企業 企業社會責任 中小企業社會責任 企業社會責任認知 企業社會責任實踐 SMEs CSR Small and medium-sized enterprises Corporate social responsibility CSR of SMEs Corporate social responsibility of Small and medium-sized enterprises |
日期: | 2017 |
上傳時間: | 2018-02-05 14:26:16 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 由於台灣食安風暴發生,政府為挽救國人信心,而制定相關法規,針對特定大型企業編訂企業社會責任報告書,可見得政府對企業社會責任日益重視。台灣中小企業占全體企業家數的97.69%,在經濟、社會、環境等面向對台灣影響甚大,但是台灣中小企業社會責任卻很少研究討論。 本研究以中小企業社會責任之相關議題,採用訪談方式,企圖討論以下三點,首先,探討企業社會責任的概念,與中小企業對企業社會責任之認知、動機與實踐。其次,將四家標竿中小企業、兩家一般中小企業與一家微型企業,將其對企業社會責任的作為予以比較。最後,探討當前中小企業實踐企業社會責任可能面臨的困難與解決方式,政府或外部單位在中小企業經營與承擔企業社會責任時所能提供的幫助與需要承擔之角色為何,並對政府提供建議。 研究發現,許多中小企業對企業社會責任認知不足的情形下,實踐企業社會責任。從中小企業對Carroll的金字塔理論之責任排序,可以發現中小企業之認知與實踐,有其多元考量因素,包括:企業產業別、經營方向、領導者與管理者之價值觀與行事作風、企業生存問題與穩定與外在環境變化。從企業社會責任之實踐來看,在微型企業方面,其影響因素通常是企業主或領導階層價值觀與內心因素,更專注於營運與利害關係人之回應,而未得獎企業與得獎企業通常有其長期實踐方案、第三方認證,而得獎企業可能會更進一步發行企業社會責任報告書、有企業社會責任相關的部門與人才培訓,多以量化方式呈現企業社會責任。許多中小企業表示,實踐企業社會責任會有其實質利益。最後,除了中小企業內部限制產生中小企業之社會責任窒礙難行情形外,社會風氣、政府法規與政策也會改變中小企業對企業社會責任相關之實踐,中小企業內部限制、社會風氣、政府法規與政策皆可能造成中小企業對於企業社會責任認知與實踐造成差距擴大。 Abstact According to a series of food safety scandals occur frequently in Taiwan, Financial Supervisory Commission makes relevant laws and regulations to restore confidence of people and Social perception. The specific part of large enterprise have to prepare corporate social responsibility(CSR) report. It will be seen from this that the government have gradually paid their attention to CSR. The Small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs), who play an important role in our economy , society and environment , accounted for 97.69% of all enterprises in Taiwan. However, comparatively little research has focused on CSR for SMEs in Taiwan. The subject of the research is cognition and implementation of CSR for SMEs in Taiwan. The qualitative data were derived from semi-structural interviews with seven SMEs in Taiwan. There are three purposes of this research. First, cognition and motivation of CSR for SMEs in Taiwan. Second, subjects in the study were divided into three groups, including four companies who won CSR for SMEs in Taiwan award from 2011 to 2014, three SMEs who did not won CSR for SMEs in Taiwan award, and one micro-business, to compare the differences between their implementation of CSR. Finally, the difficulties of implementation of CSR for SMEs. What is the role of government in helping and supporting CSR for SMEs? SMEs will give advice to the government. The study found that many SMEs are lacking of CSR cognition, but they still implement CSR. On SMEs opinion, they rank differently“the Pyramid of Carroll`s Corporate Social Responsibility” in order of importance, so we can find that the cognition and implementation of CSR for SMEs in Taiwan have their various considerations, including category of business, the direction and guidance of their business, the values of leaders and managers and manage style, issues of business survival, internal and external environments of business. In terms of the implementation of CSR for SMEs, the implementation of CSR for micro-business is highly influenced by the values and mental factors of business owners or managers, and they are focus on responding to stakeholders and operation. Besides micro-business, other study subjects have long-term program of CSR and certification of CSR, study subjects who won CSR for SMEs in Taiwan award from 2011 to 2014 have CSR report, CSR-related departments and personnel training and quantified data on CSR. Many SMEs said they can benefit companies by engaging in CSR. Finally, resource constraints of SMEs is one of reasons that hard to implement CSR. Social morality and the government regulations and policies also change the way when SMEs implement CSR. Resource constraints of SMEs, Social morality and the government regulations and policies have an impact on disparity between cognition and implementation of CSR for SMEs in Taiwan . |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 103261021 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103261021 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [國家發展研究所] 學位論文
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