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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/115809
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    Title: 《荀子》的法律思想
    Legal Philosophy of Xunzi
    Authors: 陳奕儒
    Chen, Yi Ju
    Contributors: 陳起行
    Chen, Chi Shing
    Chen, Yi Ju
    Keywords: 荀子
    Legal philosophy
    Li-yi(Ritual and Righteousness)
    Country governing
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-02-05 11:40:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文旨在從《荀子》中梳理出法律思想,《荀子》的規範體系同時注重自我修身與規範,因此得回應近來法理學界關注的權力與法律間之問題。另外,具有儒家立場的《荀子》得以作為受儒家思想影響的當代台灣借鏡,以及近來缺乏有系統性地以法學觀點對《荀子》作探討,加上些許傳統研究對《荀子》有成見,故本文希冀能在儒家法律思想的系譜上有所進展。
    The purpose of this thesis is to sort out the legal philosophy from Xunzi. The normative system of Xunzi pays attention to self-cultivation and norms. Therefore, it able to respond to contemporary issues betweem power and law concerned by academic circle of jurisprudence. In addition, Through Xunzi with Confucianism, it gives lessons to contemporary Taiwan influenced by Confucianism. In recent years, there has been a lack of systematic study of Xunzi from a legal point of view. In addition, there are some traditional studies on Xunzi with prejudices. Therefore, this thesis hopes to make some progress in the pedigree of Confucian legal research.

    This thesis mainly uses hermeneutics as the research method and discusses with researches. First of all, through researching the relationship between Xunzi and Xunzi, we know that school of Xunzi was prevalent in the late Warring States period. This school influenced the Confucian tradition in Qin and Han dynasties. As a member of Confucianism, Xunzi holds The Way of the Ancient Kings(先王之道)and The Principle of Ritual and Righteousness(禮義之統)as its positions and uses benevolence, which means focusing human affairs, as its goal and scope to discuss how to cultivate self and govern the country. Secondly, this thesis investigates the theory of rituals and righteousness of Xunzi, which is divided into view of ritual and righteous human, which used as self-cultivation, and theory of rituals, which used as rule the country and the world. Under the view of ritual and righteous human, Xunzi leared the two prerequisites, which were “Humans are born with desires” (人生而有欲)and” Human beings can not live without society”(人生不能無群). According to these two premises, if human beings do nothing in the world will lead to chaos. Therefore, Xunzi Grasps the concept of heart, which is human initiative, and the rituals of ancient kings, to discuss how to cultivate sage and reproduce the ancient holy king, make the living exemplars again come; The rituals as cultivate sage, its has characteristics which are knowledge base, the solution of conflict between desire and society, and activation norms by sages. Moreover, through exploring the different modes of governing the country, Xunzi grasped the decree and legal system as the focal point of governing the country, and constructed the guideline of governing the country with the sages and rituals. And, Xunzi believed that guideline of governing the country can demonstrate service conception of authority which has vision of people-oriented. Finally, Xunzi concluded that the ritual as the supreme principle and value perspective of the country can reach times of peace and prosperity.

    The conclusion of this thesis is that the legal philosophy of Xunzi is like a script and is intended to reproduce the ancient rule of the world. It not only discussed the norms of environment shaping, but also the role cultivation. This script values human governing because it hopes to prevent defects in norms governing and prepare for continuation of a harmonious order. Although the legal philosophy of Xunzi is too idealistic, it can provide a reflection on the normative system that is less concerned with human factors today.
    Reference: 參考文獻


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