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    Title: 宅男的污名: 台灣新聞報導的內容分析
    The Stigmatization of Zhai-Nan (Otaku): A Content Analysis of Taiwanese Journal Reports
    Authors: 牛志瑋
    Contributors: 高國魁
    Keywords: 宅男
    Otaku culture
    Content analysis
    Moral panic
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-02-02 11:33:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究結合了文獻和歷史事件回顧以及內容分析,同時配合上聯合知識庫與中央社資料庫2006至2016年新聞資料,檢視宅男一詞(從日本御宅文化挪用而來)在台灣新聞報導的使用上,是否具備創新的文化意涵,又是否符合污名的理論觀點。文中並且佐以道德恐慌和刻板印象化的理論觀點,試圖釐清宅男受到污名的可能成因與後果。研究結果顯示,現今報紙媒體對宅男一詞的使用的確依循著台灣脈絡發展出多種在地的意涵,而且部分吻合了Manzo、Link & Phelan的污名特徵及概念要件。道德恐慌理論比較了宅男一詞的描繪與柯恩論述搖滾/摩斯族的類同之處。而刻板印象化概念強調了與範疇化的差異所在,以及脈絡精簡的敘事邏輯如何被應用在報導當中。最後,筆者透過觀察和反思台灣新聞報導的媒體歷史生態,補充實證與理論分析的不足。從啟發觀點說,我們甚且提出了不同世代的類同使用方法,試圖指出宅男生活有可能指涉違反傳統價值,或者是創新文化風格的一種集體行動。
    This research examines the usages of the term “Zhai-Nai” (a term appropriated from the Japanese Otaku culture) in Taiwanese journal reports based on the reviews of existing literature and historical events, as well as the content analysis of news data produced from the search results of UDN and CAN Databases between 2006 and 2016. The study aims to find if those news reports with reference to Zhai-Nan contain empirical implications for cultural innovation and reveal theoretical lessons for social stigmatization.. In addition, we apply the theoretical perspectives of moral panic and stereotypingto explicate the possible causes and consequences regarding the stigmatization of Zhai-Nai. The research primarily finds that the current reference of the term "Zhai-Nan" in Taiwanese newspapers has indeed developed various meanings from the localcontext of Taiwanese society, and does partly fulfill the conceptual criteria of stigma hypothesized by Manzo, Link and Phelan. Then, Cohen’s theory of moral panic leads us to compare the description of Zhai-Nan with that of the Rocks / Mods. Besides, Pickering’s concept of stereotyping allows us to emphasize the distinction of stereotype from categorization in order to demonstrate the ways in which a reductive logic of narration is deployed in a news report. Finally, the research supplements the limitation of empirical and theoretical analyses by outlining an orberservation of and reflection on the historical settings of Taiwanese news media., From a heuristic standpoint, we further reminds readers of similar but distinct designations across several generations in a bid to imply that the life of Zhai-Nan could be understood as a form of collective action defying traditional values and remaking cultural styles.
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