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    Title: 由內部顧客觀點分析我國機場導入社群媒體服務之研究
    A study on the use of social media for the airport service in Taiwan : an internal customer’s perspective
    Authors: 謝孟穎
    Hsieh, Meng Ying
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsiao, Nai Yi
    Hsieh, Meng Ying
    Keywords: 社群媒體
    Social media
    Airport operations and managerment
    Internal customer
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-02-02 11:28:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社群媒體的重要性已逐漸成為機場提昇競爭力不可或缺的要素,本研究旨在理解我國機場對於社群媒體的運用情形,研究對象為不同的機場體制,公司化後的桃園機場、局屬航空站的松山機場、高雄機場,探究其如何將社群媒體應用在航站經營管理。本研究著重內部顧客觀點,就管理單位內的公共管理者進行深度訪談,獲悉組織導入社群媒體的過程以及遭遇的困難,再輔以粉絲團貼文進行內容分析。


    As the social networking sites advance these years, many airports have implemented social
    media as an essential competitive factor. This thesis aims to examine how the social media is
    applied to airport operations and management, trying to indicate the hardship to the use of social
    media for airport service. The scope of this study was limited within Taiwan’s airports that are
    operated by different sectors, including Taoyuan Airport(TPE), Songshan Airport(TSA), and
    Kaohsiung Airport(KHH). With a focus on the internal customer’s perspective, this thesis is
    carried out by interviewing public managers in these airports, and by analyzing the posts from
    Facebook fan pages.

    Based on the in-depth interviews and content analysis, this study reaches the following
    conclusion. First, concerning the operation of social media, TSA ran it as teamwork, while
    KHH assigned it to an individual; besides self-running, TPE was meanwhile assisted with
    outsourcing. Second, each airport applied the social media to operations and management in a
    different way—TPE worked towards information transparency, TSA tended to engage their
    users, while KHH remained a one-way interaction. Third, upon implementing social media to
    the airport service, these airports all faced some form of hardship to a different extent; in other
    words, the implementation of social media service by these airports is not relevant to the
    difference of their sectors. As a result, in these three cases, the use of social media did not
    necessarily influence the airport operations and management, it did actively help to increase the
    user engagement and further enhance their public image.

    In view of the facts mentioned above, to enhance the airport competitiveness in Taiwan,
    this study attempts to make the following proposals. First, the airports are required to renew the
    operating model accordingly to the platform changes. Second, social media analytics tools can
    be assisted to increase the online user engagement. Last but not least, as the airport authority in
    Taiwan, the Civil Aeronautics Administration is also advised to develop essential skills for
    community management. With these proposals ahead, the social networking technology can
    effectively benefit the airport service in Taiwan.
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