Abstract: | 雲端運算,乃一種基於網際網路的運算方式,透過此種方式,共享的軟硬體資源和訊息可以按需求提供給電腦和其他裝置。質言之,「雲端運算」」即「網路運算」,舉凡運用網路溝通多台電腦之運算工作,亦或透過網路連線取得由遠端主機提供之服務等,均得歸類為「「雲端運算」。 而行政院於2012 年,考量方案在國內市場各種應用需求與國際產業技術競爭等成效檢討因素,落實推動「落實雲端基礎建設」與「建構創新應用之開發能量」等措施,帶動國內雲端運算產業發展,並以雲端開發測試平台做為政府部會及雲端軟硬體業者之間的供需整合管道。此舉亦使2013年12月初,全球搜尋引擎龍頭Google宣布擴大於擴大彰濱工業區「雲端資料中心」投資規模,使台灣超越香港、新加坡,成為亞太地區最大之雲端資料中心。雲端運算具有令使用者降低成本達成規模經濟之優勢,確亦存在服務中斷造成使用者蒙受經濟損失即因資訊外洩誘發雲端服務提供者大量賠償責任等風險。鑒於保險為最適化風險管理方法,本研究乃考察雲端服務及其保險制度先進之美國、歐盟及澳洲等國家或地區,自法制面及保險實務面全面研析,其能為我國雲端運算風險管理及保險制度建構自法制面向,提出具體可行之建議。 Cloud computing is flourishing in Taiwan, where an US$800 million, 5-year government project is underway to generate US$423 million R&D investment in corporate, and production value of US$33 billion by 2015 and create 50,000 jobs. The cloud is the concept of remotely hosted IT services, termed cloud apps, provided by a supplier. These suppliers are called cloud providers. Typical cloud apps offered by cloud providers include email, calendar, documents, online storage, sales, customer service, and more. Using business apps in the cloud has widely recognized advantages: you save money by paying for only the IT computing resources you need, you can ramp up computing resources quickly without capital investment, and you can increase your reach to employees and users anywhere on the planet. When cloud computing goes as planned, it can be an efficient way to outsource a significant part of a business‘ management of electronically captured information. It may also yield savings, as do other out-sourcing strategies. When cloud computing goes “off the rails,” however, the consequences can be devastating. Cloud security breach not only may affect millions of users so as to incur huge amount of liabilities to the cloud service provider, but also cause significant property damage or business interruption. Cloud Insurance platform designed to specifically address emerging liabilities within the Cloud environment. Not only will the availability of policies allay some cautious potential customers’ concerns about moving to the cloud, but insurance policies for providers will help offset the cost of dealing with an outage. While establishing the world grade cloud facilities, Taiwan fails to collaboratively place emphasis on the risk management techniques of managing risks associated with cloud computing. This research aims to compare the cloud computing risk insurance systems in the U.S., EU and Australia and attempt to find the best model for Taiwan to refer to. |