Abstract: | 明成祖敕撰《四書大全》,挾其皇權威勢,一改士人成學方式,四書先於五經,成為儒學核心所在。筆者覈查文獻,梳理細節,檢討纂修情形,了解《四書大全》價值,進而及於內容分析,觀察徵引情形,歸納出三大主軸:一是朱熹傳衍系統,包括門人以及所傳弟子,內容是對於朱熹詮釋的整理與確認;二是彼此分立,各自詮釋,內容包括雙峰、北山等不同系統的分歧說法;三是新安諸儒,以鄉賢前輩號召,主要是標舉回歸朱熹的辨析整合工作。由傳延而至分歧,又由分歧而至統整,三者相互採借,詮釋交互影響,《四書大全》一方面從新安一系承繼元儒注解四書的成果,另一方面也回應新安一系學人與雙峰、北山兩系爭奪詮釋朱學宗主地位的主張,紛擾當中,工夫與境界,成為儒者反覆思考的重點,進而及於定本的追求,儒學究竟,牽動不同的思考,結合目前研究成果,進行義理分析,諸多細節逐漸呈現,《四書大全》性理詮釋成為明儒理解朱學的基礎,諸多討論,啟發後人不同的思考方向,牽動學術風氣的改易,此是前人研究未及深入之處,也是朱學發展失落的環節,元儒著作多數亡佚,線索模糊,於今重加整理,比對其中,期以有更清楚的觀察。 Yongle Emperor (Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty) decreed to compile Encyclopaedia of the Four Books (Sishu daquan). Under the imperial authority, scholars changed their way of pursuing studies. The Four Books, therefore, transcended the Five Classics and became the core of the Confucian Philosophy. In order to analyze the contents and citation in the Encyclopaedia of the Four Books, I inspect the process of compiling as well as verify the texts, and then generalize three conclusions. First of all, the system of Zhu Xi, constructed by Zhu’s disciples, is full of the compilation and confirmation of Zhu’s interpretation. Second, divergent statements from academicians of Shuang-Fong and Bei-Shan Schools. Third, the scholars of Xin-An school, whose main purpose is to revert to Zhu Xi’s original way of doing research, which is integration and analysis. From inheritance to divergence, and then from divergence to integration, the three systems interacted with each other. Encyclopaedia of the Four Books annotates the achievement of the Four Books through Xin-An School, who inherited Yuan scholars’ ideas, on one hand. This work reflects the arguments among Xin-An academicians, Shuang-Fong school, and Bei-Shan school, on the other hand. Effort (gong-fu) and gradation (jing-jie) finally became the focus of attention. Hence, scholars think of these two issues over and over again and want to make a final version. To Ming scholars, interpretation of mind and principle in the Encyclopaedia of the Four Books is the foundation of understanding Zhu’s study. Their discussions give posterity many fresh thinking ways and change the academic trend. Before Ming Dynasty, scholars did not deeply research on the interpretation of mind and principle. And this is the reason why Zhu’s study declined. Many Yuan scholars’ works were lost and the clues were vague. In order to give a clear explanation, I will collect and compare the texts again. |