Abstract: | 朱自清(1898-1948)是中國當代著名的作家、文學批評家,自1925年8月受聘於北京清華學校之後,便開始研究古典文學。1936年講授「中國文學批評」,並以「詩言志」、「比興」、「詩教」、「正變」等四個批評「意念」為研究課題,探討中國文學批評的發展。1937年6月他在國立清華大學中國文學會主編的《語言與文學》,發表〈詩言志說〉一文,7月在國立清華大學主編的《清華學報》第十二卷第三期發表〈賦比興說〉,1943年6月在《人文科學學報》第二卷第一期發表〈詩教說〉。1947年8月出版發行的《詩言志辨》,是他自己彙集、修改舊作而成的重要著作,此書至今仍深具影響力。 朱自清認為自己處於「確求新意念、新評價」的時代,在「借鏡西方」的時候,也不可忘記自己的「本然面目」,這相對於1932年周作人《中國新文學的源流》而言,《詩言志辨》的確展現他的時代感受與關懷。《詩言志辨》共收「詩言志」、「比興」、「詩教」、「正變」等四篇論文,其中〈詩言志〉多受後人援引與討論,可謂典範型著作,但是它與「比興」、「詩教」、「正變」的關係為何?全書的理論系統與意義何在?其改寫、形成的過程為何?此學說對於抒情傳統論述有何參照意義?這些問題,都是本計畫亟欲釐清的課題。 Zhu Ziqing(朱自清,1898-1948) was a famous contemporary writer and literary critic.He began to research on classical literature whenhe got a position at Beijing Tsinghua University in August 1925. In 1936, he began to teach “Chinese literature criticism”,trying to trace the development for the four main critical ideas in Chinese literature critic tradition, include “Shi Yan Zhi(詩言志)” , “Bi Xing(比興)“, “shi-jiao(詩教)“,and “cheng-pian (正變)”.He publishhis famous dissertation which titledas “The theory of Shi Yan Zhi.(詩言志說) ”in“ Language and Literature”in June 1937. After “the theory of Shi Yan Zhi”, he keep on research series of critical concept in Chinese literary criticism by publish “The theory Fu Bi Xing(賦比興說)”in “Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies(清華學報)” in July 1937, “The theory of shi-jiao(詩教說)” in “Journal of the Humanities.(人文科學學報)” in June,1943. “Shi yan zhi bian(詩言志辨)“ was his own collection, modification of important works from the old articles , while the book is still influential today. Zhu Ziqing thought people in his era are really need innovative ideas and new evaluation. When people were trying to “learn from the West“, how to maintain their “authentic face“ is also important. Different from Zhou Zuoren(周作人1885-1967)’s famous treatise “The Origins of ChineseNew literature(中國新文學的源流)“ which publish in 1932, Zhu Ziqing express his unique observation and concern about the erain his representative works“Shi Yuan zhi bain(詩言志辨).”Shi Yuan zhi bain(詩言志辨)” is composed of four articles as previously mentioned. Among this,“The theory of Shi Yan Zhi(詩言志說) ”have been repeatedly discussed and cited, thus already becoming a typicaltheory model. We still need to look for the context of Shi Yan Zhi, with other series of concept like “Bi Xing(比興) “, “shi-jiao(詩教) “, and “cheng-pian (正變)“. This project is trying to discover the path of Zhu Ziqing’s theoretical structure, then inquire the conjunction with “lyrical tradition” and ”Shi Yuan zhi bain(詩言志辨)”. |