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    Title: 數位金融時代下行動銀行app持續採用行為研究
    Understanding Consumers’ Continuance Intention toward Mobile Banking in the Fintech Era: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study
    Authors: 梁榕修
    Liang, Jung Hsiu
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Pai, Pei Yu
    Liang, Jung Hsiu
    Keywords: 持續採用行為
    Continuance intention
    Design aesthetics
    Perceived usefulness
    Perceived ease of use
    Perceived risk
    Brand reputation
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-12-01 12:10:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究從金融科技創新應用之觀點,舉行動銀行app之應用為例,整合過去行銷與科技採用之相關文獻,並呼應金融科技時代的創新元素,據此探究使用者對於行動銀行app持續採用行為、與提供未來創新發展上之建議。首先以質化研究的方式,了解行動銀行app使用者的使用原因、使用經驗、對app的整體評價與建議;其次發展出量化研究模型,找出各種影響消費者持續使用意願的因素。


    1. 設計美感對使用者能產生正向的情感品質知覺,提升對科技使用的知覺有用性、知覺易用性與降低知覺風險。
    2. 品牌聲望有助於提升消費者對於業者所提供之產品與服務的相對優勢。

    其次,結合過去創新擴散理論、科技接受模式以及個人知覺風險,作為研究模型之第二層探討面,結果顯示: 複雜性、知覺有用性、知覺風險能顯著影響消費者對於行動銀行app的採用意願。


    1. 業者可從設計美感加強消費者對於新科技使用的知覺有用性與降低知覺風險
    2. 品牌聲望為輔,實質創新為主,首先降低複雜性
    3. 從知覺有用性方面創造創新競爭優勢、同時兼顧知覺風險
    4. 持續推廣行動銀行app,作為創新發展基礎後盾、與開拓市場之契機。
    This paper takes mobile banking application as an example in the view of FinTech innovation. Combined with findings from marketing and information system research, this study adopts key elements of FinTech innovation to arrive at a more complete understanding of consumers’ continuance intention toward mobile banking. By first taking the qualitative method and conducting semi-structured interviews, we look into consumers’ motivations, experiences, and evaluations of using mobile banking.
    For the quantitative part our empirical tests involve structural equation modeling. In addition, with the reference to one of main core values of FinTech innovation: differentiation and niche, specialized products, we propose competitive differences among competitors to form our first layer research model, the results demonstrate that:
    1. Design aesthetics can increase one’s perceived affective quality of system usage, which in turn, had a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and lower perceived risk
    2. Brand reputation can positively affect consumers’ sense of relative advantage in terms of the product and service provided by specific vendor.

    Meanwhile, our research integrates the concepts of Rogers’ innovation diffusion model, technology acceptance model, and personal perceived risk to further propose our second layer research model, and the result shows that: complexity, perceived usefulness, and perceived risk emerge as important antecedents of consumers’ continuance intention toward mobile banking.
    Lastly, we conclude our analysis of both qualitative and quantitative survey and make suggestions as below:
    1. Placing a high value on the influence of design beauty, could increase consumers’ perceived usefulness and reduce perceived risk of new technology.
    2. Focusing mainly on innovation while brand reputation subsidiary, and take complexity as priority.
    3. Creating competitive advantage of innovation based on perceived usefulness, without overlooking the significant influence of perceived risk.
    4. Keeping giving an impetus actively to the usage of mobile banking to solidify foundations of innovation development and increase opportunities in the market.
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