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    Title: 把中產階級找回:論智利後威權時期的教育改革
    Bringing the middle class back in : the educational reform in post-authoritarian chile
    Authors: 邱鎮潼
    Yau, Chun Tung
    Contributors: 鄭力軒
    Cheng, Li Hsuan
    Yau, Chun Tung
    Keywords: 歷史制度論
    中產階 級
    historical institutionism
    social movement
    Latin American democratization
    middle class
    educational reform
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-11-01 14:27:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文旨在探討智利教育改革。智利於皮諾切特威權統治時期落實的市場導向教育制度,並沒有隨著他把權力交還給民主政府而瓦解,而是一直等到了二〇一六年,教育改革才出現。本文將回答以下問題:到底是什麼樣的原因促使了教育方面的改革?背後直接促使改革出現的原因以及箇中機制又是什麼?自政權移交以來,智利中左聯盟連續執政長達二十年,為什麼改革的出現並非是在政權過渡到民主政府的初期,而是到了政權移交後的二十多年以後才出現?
    This dissertation mainly explains the rise of the Chilean educational reform. Chile adopted a market-driven educational institution since the Pinochet Administration, up until the educational reform which took place in 2016. This dissertation is intended to answer the following questions: what are the dynamics of the educational reform? What is the changing process of the Chilean educational institution? If the center-left coalition (La Concertación) was in power for twenty years, since post-Pinochet era, then why did the reform not emerge at the beginning of the post-authoritarian period but a few twenty years later?

    This dissertation is intended to answer all of the mentioned questions from the point of view of historical institutionalism. The framework was based on the polity centered theory by Skocpol (1995) and the power resource approach by Korpi (1985), through process tracing research method. I argue that, during the first two democratic governments of the post-authoritarian period (1990-2000), on one hand, the poverty issue gained much more attention than education, so that the educational reform was still lacking opportunities. On the other hand, the middle class raised quickly due to public policies made by the government. The middle class cared about educational issues so that its rising shaped public opinion, which made educational issues more important. Related social organizations seized the opportunity during the following government administration (2000-2010). The protest that happened during that period had significant influence and the center-left government lost the following elections by not responding to their demands. After the failure, the social organizations kept protesting under the right wing government administration for a long time and meanwhile, the center-left coalition changed their attitude on educational issues by promising the social organizations that they will deliver the educational reform if they win the following presidential elections. Finally, as a result, the center-left coalition fulfilled the promise to carry out the educational reform in 2016, after they won the presidential elections in 2013.
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