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Title: | 團結經濟與社會治理 Solidarity economy and social governance |
Authors: | 陳又瑞 |
Contributors: | 湯京平 陳又瑞 |
Keywords: | 團結經濟 社會經濟 社會治理 Solidarity economy Social economy Social governance |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-11-01 14:27:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺東孩子的書屋及水牛書店,分別代表非營利組織及社會企業,作為社會團結經濟組織中的兩種型態,組織當初如何做出型態選擇的決定,在決定後,對於社會問題治理的可行性有何不同,本文運用比較個案研究,發現兩個案選擇組織型態的過程受到組織的先決條件如財務能力、社群連結、歷史因素、領導人等的影響,本文也從組織服務項目如教育、社區服務及財務穩定性進行比較分析,發現非營利組織或社會企業,若擁有足夠的資金及人力,對其社會治理的可行性是肯定的,差別在於獲取資源的難易程度,非營利組織只是單純依賴政府補助,穩定性不高,因此必須取得個人、企業等的捐款,但募款活動宗旨、服務對象、總體形象等都會影響募款成果,因此非營利組織能利用特色回饋方式,如兩天一夜生活體驗活動,創造大眾募款誘因,也能利用企業化創造獨立的資金來源,以減少對於募款的依賴;社會企業雖然也能對外募款、運用政府補助款,但若要以偏向純企業的運作,就得在經營面下功夫,運用創新的營銷手法販售品質良好的產品,社會企業有穩定營收才能確保教育運作。不管組織型態為何,領導者若能建立社會網絡,降低獲取各種資源的成本,對於組織運作勢必有所幫助,針對組織型態的選擇並沒有誰好誰壞的問題,本文只是希望能透過臺東孩子的書屋及水牛書店,進一步比較及分析並提供一個作為特別經營模式策略的參考。 The Children’s Book House in Taitung as a nonprofit organization and Buffalo Bookstore in Taoyuan as a social enterprise represent two organization forms of social and solidarity economy. Why they choose respective form in the first place and how they might fare as the consequence of their initial choice are something interesting to know. This research applies comparative case study to identify the factors that have contributed their organizational choice. The factors include financial capacity, personal networks, leader’s preference, and so on. This study also points out how different forms of choice might be able to keep sustainable. As more literature on social and solidarity economy has accumulated in recent years, this study provides two successful cases to illustrate their strategic reactions to problems they face respectively. It is expected that systematic surveys of such cases would contribute to effective theory building in this field. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治學系 103252012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103252012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [政治學系] 學位論文
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