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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/114281

    Title: 論國際投資協定國籍安排之爭議 ——台新彰銀案之管轄權初探
    Disputes of Nationality Planning under International Investment Agreement——Preliminary Study on Taishin Financial Holdings and Chang Hwa Bank Arbitration
    Authors: 黃意涵
    Contributors: 楊培侃
    Keywords: 國籍安排
    Nationality planning
    International investment arbitration
    Taishin Financial Holdings
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-11-01 14:18:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台新彰銀仲裁案是台灣首次成為國際投資仲裁案之被告,本案之事實背景自十餘年前即受到高度關注,仲裁庭成立後,此爭端將由國內法院延燒至國際舞台,也使國人開始注意到國際投資仲裁之重要性。隨著國際經貿環境之開放,海外投資逐漸頻繁,跨國企業針對公司需求為國籍安排儼然已成為一種趨勢,地主國面對透過國際投資協定直接或間接與其建構關係之外國投資人,應如何在真正獲得海外投資利益之前提下,維護本身權益;投資人又應如何安排,以避免遭仲裁庭認定為權利濫用而喪失仲裁案件管轄權,為值得研究之議題。
    Taishin Financial Holdings and Chang Hwa Bank Arbitration is the first case Taiwan participates in as a respondent under international investment arbitration. This dispute has been extended from the domestic court to the international stage since the tribunal established. With the opening of the international trade environment and the gradual increase in overseas investment, nationality planning seems to have become a trend. As Host states and investors’ concerned, how should both sides make profit through the investment but also protect their rights simultaneously is an issue to be discussed here.
    To understand the criteria and considerations that may be applicable to the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal, this article collectes several pervious international investment arbitration cases which are related to nationality planning. The results show that, ratione temporis and the timing issue are the main issue that precluded tribunal from exercising jurisdiction. At the same time, investments in lack of "substantial business activities" are also easy to urge the tribunal to consider investing as a shell company, leading to the notion of abuse of rights.
    Then, based on the analysis of the results above, we find that, because the time of the investment made by claimant is later than the time of the dispute, nor can claimant invoke “the dispute is an continuous act" or " the dispute is unforeseeable" as defenses, the tribunal may decide that it lacks jurisdiction in Taishin Financial Holdings and Chang Hwa Bank Arbitration.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104351041
    Data Type: thesis
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