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Title: | 遊戲直播平台獲利模式之個案分析-以Twitch直播平台為例 The study on profit model of the game live streaming platform- a case study of twitch |
Authors: | 戴欣晟 Tai, Hsin Chen |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi Chia 戴欣晟 Tai, Hsin Chen |
Keywords: | 網路直播平台 平台商業模式 虛擬社群 Online streaming platform Platform business model Virtual community |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-10-02 10:22:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 網際網路的發展加上行動裝置的普及,導致人們觀看影音媒體的方式逐漸數位化,資策會2015年報告指出,72%台灣民眾每週至少觀看一次線上影音平台。4G時代的來臨,使得網路直播成為一種新應用,世界各地也逐漸興起一股網路直播平台的風潮,多數的直播平台雖然擁有很高的用戶流量,卻沒辦法成功的把這些用戶流量轉化為金流,高額的頻寬成本造成直播平台連年虧損。然而,Twitch卻能脫穎而出,以專攻遊戲直播市場,2015年營收高達13.6億美元,更被亞馬遜以9.7億美元將其收購。究竟直播平台應該如何獲利?如何驅動營收的成長?為本研究欲探討之問題。 本研究挑選專攻遊戲直播市場的Twitch 為個案,運用多邊市場結構的概念分析Twitch的獲利模式;運用社群遞增動態循環四構面-內容、忠誠、輪廓和交易活動,分析Twitch如何驅動營收成長。 本研究發現,Twitch多元的獲利模式依賴其平台所連接之多邊市場,並且對不同的市場採取不同的獲利模式。Twitch多元的獲利模式歸納為:訂閱、廣告和交易模式。另外,直播平台想要驅動營收的成長,則需專注於核心領域、提升平台內容質量和平台成員之忠誠度,才能夠有效驅動平台多元的營收成長。 The way of people watching media are changing to digitalization. According to Taiwan Institution for Information Industry’s report in 2015, 72 percent of population in Taiwan watch media through online video platform at least one time in a week. Also, the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology (4G) makes the application of online streaming popular, which leads more and more online streaming platforms came out all over the world. In fact, many online streaming platforms are losing money year after year, due to the huge cost of the Internet Bandwidth and without a successful profit model to transform the high volume of users into revenue. However, Twitch, which focus on game live streaming market, are very successful nowadays. Twitch claims 43% of market share in the gaming content industry and earned $3.8 billion in 2015. Also, Twitch was bought by Amazon for $970 million in 2014. Therefore, this research chooses Twitch as a research target, and focus on analysis of Twitch’s profit model and how Twitch increases its revenue through theoretical method This research finds that Twitch’s successful profit model is due to its multi-markets. Twitch uses different profit strategies on different markets. Twitch’s multiple profit models can be categorized into Subscription, Advertising, and Transaction Models. In addition, Twitch increases its revenue by focusing on core market, increasing the quality of platform contents and the loyalty of platform users. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 104363010 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043630101 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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