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    Title: 台灣家長選擇私立雙語小學之心理歷程:以計畫行為理論分析
    Using Theory of Planned Behavior to analyze parents` rationales for choosing bilingual schools
    Authors: 鄭夙涵
    Cheng, Su-Han
    Contributors: 邱美秀
    Chiu, Mei-SHiu
    Cheng, Su-Han
    Keywords: 雙語小學
    Bilingual schools
    Theory of planned behavior
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-10-02 10:20:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在全球化之今日,英語之重要性已不可同日而語,而伴隨著教育改革及教育選擇權之開放,私立雙語小學也漸漸成為家長之選擇之一,越來越多的家長放棄學區學校,開始作出私立雙語小學之選擇。為探究家長為其子女選擇私立雙語小學就讀之因,本研究先以Ajzen之計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)為基底,根據本研究之目的,做出些微修改後擬定訪談搞,以半結構訪談方式面對面與選擇私立雙語小學家長進行晤談,之後,再以樣板式分析方法進行分析。分析之結果除了計畫行為理論之中之態度、主觀規範與行為控制知覺之外,研究者認為根據本研究之目的,應再增列學習關鍵期,故研究之結果以四大方向呈現。(一)態度:在態度方面以家長之擔憂與私立小學之對策、台灣大環境之社會問題以及家長個人之內在因素為三大影響家長選擇私立雙語小學之因,(二)主觀規範:影響家長之重要他人主要分為兩類探討之,分別為專業人士以及身邊有相關經驗之重要他人,(三)行為控制知覺:家長所持之外部資源(主要為經濟能力)與其本身之自我效能,以及(四)童年決定論:家長所關心關鍵學習期之學習議題。最後針對本研究之結果作出討論與建議,希望能透過本研究,提供台灣教育另一參考面向。
    Language ability plays an important role in the era of globalization and, instead of the schools in the school district, parents start considering bilingual schools as their educational choice for their children. The aim of this study, therefore, was to identify parental rationales for choosing bilingual schools. A qualitative case study approach was used to gain an understanding of parents’ decision-making process. The research participants were eight Taiwanese parents who made the choices of sending their children into private bilingual primary schools. The parents were interviewed by a semi-structured interview method. The interview transcripts were analyzed using template analysis based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior. The results of data analysis revealed that parents’ rationales for choosing bilingual schools were categorized in four main dimensions and smaller parts for each: (a) Attitude: the policies of private bilingual primary schools toward the concern of parents, the problems of Taiwan social environment and parents’ intrinsic negative tendency are the three main factors which impact parents’ attitude toward private bilingual primary schools (b) Subjective norms: advice from the experts and significant others (c) Perceived behavioral control: accessible control beliefs (family finance condition) and parents’ self-efficacy (d) Critical learning period: learning issues that concern parents in critical learning period.
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