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    Title: 以社會學習理論探討師徒建言之關係:師徒功能與知覺相似性的調節效果
    A Social Learning Perspective of Voice in Mentoring: The Roles of Mentoring Functions and Perceived Similarity
    Authors: 羅家翔
    Loo, Jia Xiang
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Hu, Chang Ya
    Loo, Jia Xiang
    Keywords: 師徒關係
    Mentoring relationship
    Mentors’ voice behavior
    Protégés’ voice behavior
    Social exchange theory
    Mentor-Protégé Perceived Similarity
    Mentoring functions
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-13 16:01:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 師徒關係是職場中重要的人際關係。有鑑於此,本研究以社會學習理論為基礎,探討師父建言與徒弟建言之關係,並且探討師徒的知覺相似性與師徒功能對前述關係之調節效果。

    建言行為,意指員工主動地在他人面前提出與工作相關的意見、想法或建議,以試圖改善組織或單位的運作。 本研究以社會學習理論的觀點,並參考Morrison (2011)提出的建言理論模式,採取便利抽樣的方式進行收集資料,對228份的有效樣本以階層迴歸分析進行假設檢驗。 研究結果指出,師父的建言行為與徒弟的建言行為有顯著的正向關係,且師父與徒弟的相似程度會增強前述的正向關係,使得在師父與徒弟之間的相似程度高的情況下,師父建言行為與徒弟建言行為的正向關係較強。然而,師徒功能則削弱前述正向關係,當師徒功能低的情況下, 師父建言行為與徒弟建言行為的正向關係較強。本研究將針對其理論與實務意涵進行討論。此論文研究希望可以供企業作為未來管理事務參考,讓企業內部組織環境的運作更具效率。
    Using the social exchange theory as the foundation, this study examined the potential positive relationship between mentors’ voice behavior and protégés’ voice behavior. Furthermore, this study examined the moderating roles of mentor-protégé perceived similarity and mentoring functions in the above relationship. Data were collected from 228 current incumbents who participated in an online survey. Results of regression analyses indicated that mentors’ voice behavior positively associated with protégés’ voice behavior. Furthermore, mentor-protégé perceived similarity moderated the above relationship such that the positive relationship was stronger in high similar condition. Mentoring functions also moderated the above relationship such that the positive relationship was stronger in low mentoring functions condition. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363129
    Data Type: thesis
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