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    Title: 直播電商對消費者購買決策流程之影響
    The Influence of Live streaming commerce on consumer purchase decision.
    Authors: 謝佳蓉
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Keywords: 直播電商
    Live streaming commerce
    Purchase intention
    Decision making
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-13 16:00:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著網路科技的發展,許多新興媒體隨之興起,直播服務即為其中之一,直播為現今品牌或者商家躍躍欲試的行銷溝通管道。直播服務有許多的應用方式,而當中「直播+電商」為本研究所欲了解的應用,因直播電商近來廣受業界討論,也可看見許多品牌皆直播與消費者溝通以及導購,且許多品牌也都表示有良好的成效。直播電商即是透過直播服務在網路上進行商品的販售,其中主要組成的元素包括直播功能、直播主、直播內容以及閱聽眾,本研究希望能夠了解直播電商是如何能夠提升消費者購買意願以及對購買決策流程影響。
    一、 購買意願
    二、 購買決策流程
    As the Internet Technologies continue to bloom and develop, many new media emerge. Of all, live streaming, has become the must try for brands and sellers nowadays. Among all the applications that live streaming brings, live streaming commerce, which is selling products through live streaming, is the focus of this study. The main components of live streaming commerce include live features, host, content and audiences. This study aims to understand the impact of live streaming commerce on consumers’ purchase intention and purchase decision-making process.
    To conduct focus group interviews, the study divided participants into three groups: 3 people in the pre-test, 5 people watching livestream, and 5 people watching video (same content as in the previous group but not live). Results and conclusions are summarized as below:
    The key successful factors of live streaming commerce are content and host. The content with high utilitarian value and the expert hosts are both significant to consumers’ purchase intention. Live streaming with popular hosts could capture consumers’ attention and enhance their purchase intention. Moreover, the live streaming hosts are more likely to persuade consumers into purchasing if the characteristics of live streaming hosts are strongly relevant to the products. Consumers regard functions of live streaming as additional value. Live streaming could effectively increase consumer purchase intention when the consumers are satisfied with the content and the performance of host in the live streaming.
    Live streaming commerce shortens the consumer decision making process through features of real- time text chatting and shopping guide.
    According the results, this study presents the practical recommendations to provide enterprises as a future operational reference, and propose research recommendations as a future study reference.
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