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Title: | 農產電商平台如何與消費者建立信任關係之探討 The research of how agricultural e-business platform build trust relationship with customer |
Authors: | 張寧恬 Chang, Ning Tien |
Contributors: | 李仁芳 張寧恬 Chang, Ning Tien |
Keywords: | 信任關係 農產銷售 電子商務平台 Trust relationship Agricultural marketing channel E-business platform |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 15:50:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從1980年代開始,台灣的食安事件頻傳,各種食安問題讓民眾更重視自己的飲食議題。而在食安問題中,背後牽涉到相當複雜的原因,而對消費者而言,在生產者與消費者間如何建立信任就是最直接的議題,通路即是關鍵的角色。 農產銷售的通路相當多樣,尤其以電子商務為未來的趨勢,因此本研究即以農產電商平台為個案。 採用訪談法與觀察法的方式,去整理電商平台的運作活動,再分析其是如何影響信任的構面,並建立與消費者之間的信任關係。 平台與消費者建立信任關係的過程,初期必須透過平台的易讀性與易用性,把握第一印象的好感度,並透過各種跨界的行銷與通路管道,來擴大與消費者互動的範圍;長期而言,透過產品與服務上的穩定性與一致性來維持品質,並在企業的內外,實現對消費者、生產者、供應商甚至是公司內部員工們的承諾,貫徹平台的價值,更是建立長遠信任關係的關鍵,讓消費者能產生黏著與回購。 Started from 1980s, there are many problem of food safety, so that people pay more attention to their own food issues. There are very complex reasons, behinded food safty issue. For consumers, how to build trust between producers and consumers is the most important and immediate issue. Agricultural marketing channels are quite diverse, especially of e-commerce, which is the trend in the future. Using agricultural e-business platform as an example, this paper will use interview method, observational Method to analyze that how operational activities of platform affect aspects of trust, as well as how to build trust relationship between platform and customers. In the progress of building trust relationship with customers, platform should make a reliable first impression by readability and ease-of-use in initial stage, and increase the exposure rate and online to offline trading, in order to expand reaction range of customers. In long term, platform should maintain quality of products and service by stability and consistency, and make good on the promise of stakeholders. These are the key to establish long-term trust relationship, and effect adhesion and repurchase rates. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 103364109 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103364109 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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