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Title: | 互動體驗設計於儀式展演之探究-以政治大學畢業典禮薪火相傳為例 Interactive Experience Design in Ceremony-A case study of passing the flame in National Chengchi University commencement ceremony |
Authors: | 曾怡甄 Tseng, Yi Jen |
Contributors: | 黃心健 蔡子傑 Huang, Hsin Chien Tsai, Tzu Chieh 曾怡甄 Tseng, Yi Jen |
Keywords: | 儀式 展示科技 互動設計 體驗設計 Ceremony Exhibition display technology Interaction design Experience design |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 15:48:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 儀式作為人類社會中最重要的體驗活動,在歷經時代的考驗與價值觀的轉變汰換後,流傳下來的內涵與核心意義雖然不變,但表現形式、媒材不斷隨著時代發展與時俱進,本研究欲以政治大學畢業典禮薪火相傳儀式為例,利用體驗設計為框架,將儀式原有內涵作為敘事基礎,藉由數位內容的製作,以及互動設計結合當代科技的運用,重新策劃並執行互動儀式體驗,進而探討傳統儀式與互動儀式體驗的轉變與差異,因此本研究目的歸納為以下三點: 1. 以體驗設計為框架,儀式內涵為敘事核心,利用互動設計結合展示科技製作數位內容,建立互動儀式媒介、互動儀式情境,進而重新策劃、製作、展演虛實整合的互動儀式體驗。 2. 分別從表演者、主動參與者、被動參與者、製作執行者的角度,探討互動儀式體驗與傳統儀式的的轉變與差異。 3. 歸納出互動體驗設計應用於儀式展演的策劃與執行要點。
研究結果發現,互動儀式體驗透過當代互動科技的應用,讓儀式參與者能即時主動加入儀式展演的內容創作,因此相較於傳統儀式能帶來更多的參與感與歸屬感,雖然多數的儀式參與者仍偏好被動觀賞的形式,但集體共創的展演內容能引起在場儀式參與者的共鳴,進而創造儀式當下的回憶,因此深化體驗的感受,也讓儀式不只是流於形式的過程。 Ceremony is one of the most important experiences in human society. Although the principles and core elements may remain the same, styles of ceremonies and technologies used in the ceremonies have been developed as time progress and values change. The purpose of this study was to discuss the transformation and difference between traditional ceremony and interactive media-introduced ceremony by a case study of passing the flame in National Chengchi University commencement ceremony. This study covers below three topics: 1. By utilizing experience design as framework and the narrative in ceremony as the core, preparing digital content that combines interaction design and exhibition display technology, establishing interactive media and environment, an interactive ceremony experience was re-curated, prepared, and executed. 2. Discussion of transformation and difference between interactive ceremony experience and traditional ceremony from views of performers, active participants, passive participants, and executors. 3. Key factors of application of interactive experience design in ceremony curation and execution. After field observations, digital content analysis, and interviews with some participants, the results revealed that real-time interactive experiences in ceremony can bring more sense of participation and belonging than used to. Despite most of participants preferred just watching the performance, participants could get more connection from exhibition content that contributed by themselves. Therefore, the memory created at the moment could bring stronger feelings and experience and not letting the ceremony become a mere formality. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 數位內容碩士學位學程 100462002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100462002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [數位內容碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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