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Title: | 兩岸空軍召募飛行員之教育體系模式比較研究 A Comparative Study on the Educational System Model of the Air Force Recruiting Pilots in the Republic of China and the People`s Republic of China. |
Authors: | 祁丕烈 |
Contributors: | 邱坤玄 祁丕烈 |
Keywords: | 空軍官校 中共空軍 青少年航空學校 雙學籍 Air Force official school. The Chinese Communist air force. Youth aviation school. Double student status. |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 15:43:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 世界各主要軍事國家在推進新軍事變革中,有一個共同的做法,就是把高素質人才的培養作為戰略制高點。美國國防部就曾提出了「新型軍事人才是軍事戰略競爭的製高點」。高素質人才無疑已成為決定軍事事務變革成敗的戰略資源和核心要素,誰搶占了人才制高點,誰就擁有制勝的先機。 我國軍事教育條例第一條開宗明義指出:為健全軍事教育,培養軍事人才,以奠基國防力量,特制定本條例;軍事教育為國家整體教育之一環。中共近年來也大力推動國防與軍事改革,強調「人才強則事業強,人才興則軍隊興」,對軍事人才培育工作非常積極。 航空武力是空防與國防最重要的軍力,戰鬥機飛行員就是空軍戰力的主要核心。本研究旨在探討兩岸空軍戰鬥機飛行員的教育培養體系模式,比較雙方在教育模式上,足以支撐人才投入的成效。經研究發現,中共空軍航空大學近年來為捍衛空天安全,和發展國家利益上,積極提倡「建設世界一流空軍,要擁有一批制勝空天的一流飛行員」的口號,不但如此,為超前培育軍事航空航天領域新型飛行人才,還模仿我國空軍幼年學校和中正預校,創新建設空軍青少年航空學校。 我中華民國空軍官校在網羅優秀飛行學生上,一向不遺餘力,如今在如此多元化的社會中,建議我國還是要積極建立在航空軍事學門的教育認證學歷,並足以讓教育部認可與航空界認可之證照,讓國家航空軍事人才培育成為最重要的項目,也希望軍事大學教育能夠建立一般學科和軍事學科雙學籍制度,讓政府部門付出的成本,得到實質的效果,相信對我國航空事業和軍事深造教育發展,應有助益。 The world`s major military countries in promoting the new military revolution, there is a common practice, that is, the cultivation of high-quality talent as a strategic high ground. The US Department of Defense has put forward the "new military talent is the commanding heights of military strategic competition." High-quality talent has undoubtedly become a strategic task of determining the success or failure of military affairs and core elements, who seize the high ground of talent, who will have the opportunity to win. China`s military education regulations first openly pointed out: to improve military education, training of military personnel, to lay the foundation of national defense forces, the development of this Ordinance; military education as one of the national education as a whole. In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party has also vigorously promoted national defense and military reform, emphasizing that "talent is strong and talented," he is very active in military personnel training. Aviation force is air defense and defense of the most important military, fighter pilots is the main core of the Air Force combat power. The purpose of this study is to explore the mode of education and training of pilots of the air force fighter aircraft, and to compare the effectiveness of the two talents in the educational model. The study found that the Chinese Communist Party Air Force Aviation University in recent years to defend the safety of air and space, and the development of national interests, and actively promote the "building a world-class air force, to have a group of winning air first-class pilots" slogan, not only that, Military aviation and aerospace field of new flight talent, but also imitate our Air Force youth school and Chiang Kai-shek pre-school, innovation and construction of Air Force youth aviation school. I am still in the diversity of society, it is recommended that China should actively establish the educational qualification of aviation military education, and enough to allow the Ministry of Education to recognize and the aviation sector, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, It is hoped that the education of military university can establish the system of double school students in general disciplines and military disciplines, so that the cost paid by the government departments can obtain the substantial effect, and believe that the training of Taiwan`s aviation industry and The development of military postgraduate education should be helpful. |
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