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    Title: 公務人員情緒勞務之研究-以某給付行政機關為例
    Emotional Labor of Public Employee - A Case Study of Payment Administration Agency
    Authors: 夏斌強
    Hsia, Pin Chiang
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Hsia, Pin Chiang
    Keywords: 情緒勞務
    Emotional labor
    Deep emotional acting
    Government employees
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-13 15:13:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 情緒勞務議題常與服務業與第一線服務人員有關,本研究延伸探討公務人員情緒勞務的負荷程度、負面的效應及可能的改善途徑。公務人員必須依法行政又必須強化行政效能、提升服務品質,其間常有所牴觸形成情緒壓力。給付行政機關扮演國家提供服務與照顧公眾的角色,在公務體系中承擔更多情緒勞務功能。


    The issue of Emotional Labor is often related to service industries and front-line employees. This study discusses the emotional labor loading level of government employees, negative effects and possible ways of improvement. Government employees must perform administrative duties according to laws while reinforce the administrative effectiveness and enhance the service quality, which leads to emotional pressures. Payment administration agency plays the role of providing service and care to the public, therefore, they are likely to undertake more emotional labor.
    Case study methodology and Participation Observation are utilized in this study to gain in-depth understanding of Government institutions. By Purposive Sampling and Snowball sampling, the target groups are chosen and are conducted in-depth Interviews. According to the interview outcomes, research findings are showed below:
    1. Government employees have high emotional labor loading especially when they conduct the non-payment decision or payment retrival request. Deep emotional acting is regarded as the most difficult and exhausting part of this job.
    2. When government employees have over-loaded emotional labor or failing the emotional acting, it’s very likely to cause negative effects such as lower service quality and job satisfaction .Personal negative effects include job burnout, increasing pressure and intention to quit.
    3. Government employees may ease their negative effects of emotional labor through supervisor’s support, coworker’s support, specific training of emotional labor and other Employee Assistance Programs by organization. Individual should use positive psychological capital as foundation and actively use organisation resources to assist themselves when needed.
    According to this research, suggestions as to improve emotional labor and further study references are stated below:
    1. Government institutions should be aware of the emotional labor of government employees and design easing methods.
    2. When government employees have over-loaded emotional labor or failing the emotional acting, it is important to reinforce their mental quality and actively seek the organizational assistance.
    3. Further research may include successful cases of emotional labor, and discover paradigm shift model.
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