題名: | 影響公務人員推動政府資料開放之因素探討 Factors Affecting Civil Servants’ Willingness to Promote Open Government Data |
作者: | 李宜臻 Li, Yi-Jhen |
貢獻者: | 朱斌妤 李宜臻 Li, Yi-Jhen |
關鍵詞: | 政府資料開放 結構方程模式 次級資料 Open government data Structural equation modeling Secondary data |
日期: | 2017 |
上傳時間: | 2017-09-13 15:11:28 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 過去取得政府資料的方式較為有限,但隨著網際網路興起,政府資料開放(open government data)概念於焉誕生。個人或團體,能透過網路直接取用所需的政府資料,並進行資料再利用。本研究以我國財政部公務人員為研究對象,旨在探討影響公務人員參與推動政府資料開放時的因素。研究方法分為量化資料分析與訪談,量化部分使用次級資料分析,樣本數220份,並以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)驗證模型,模型構面包含:提升行政效能、高層支持、個人技術、組織特質、資料開放態度、資料開放行為意願。訪談對象從財政資訊中心選取,中心為財政部推動政府資料開放的主要機關,採用立意抽樣方式取得兩名受訪者。
量化分析結論認為,提升行政效能和組織特質,對於人員資料開放態度有正向影響;另外,人員對資料開放所持的態度越正面,越能增加參與資料開放意願。從訪談結果可以整理出原先不在量化模型的影響因素,包括法令限制、風險、第三方中介角色、資訊單位話語權、激勵措施。建議方面,嘗試加強宣導政府資料開放的正面印象與認知,以及持續塑造具創新與開放特質的組織文化。關於後續研究方向,本研究個案之財政部機關,設有獨特的資料開放三級推動體制,建議後續研究可深入探索三級體制的發展狀況。 Access to government data has been limited over the past decades. However, as the Internet grows up, the idea of open government data emerges. Individual or organizations now can obtain government data from the Internet, and re-use these data. The focus of this study was on the civil sevants of Ministry of Finance in Taiwan, and aimed to explore the factors affecting government employees’ willingness to promote open government data. The research method employed in this study included survey-based secondary data analysis and interview. This study first developed a model consisting of enhancement of efficiency, top-level support, personal skills, organization characters, attitude towards open data, and intention to engage in open data. Structural equation modeling analysis was performed, with a sample of size 220 selected from the secondary data. On the other hand, the interview respondents were collected by purposive sampling from Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance, which was a leading sector in promoting open government data of the Ministry of Finance.
The result of quantitative analysis indicated that enhancement of efficiency and organization characters had a positive impact on attitude towards open data. Furthermore, active attitude towards open data increased the intention to engage in open data. And the interview showed some factors that were not included in the quatitative model, such as legal restrictions, risk, role of third parties, discourse power of the IT sector, and incentive measures. Based on the empirical analyses, this study suggests that create better understanding of open data, as well as innovative and open-minded organizational culture, would make civil servants engage in open government data initiatives. For the future research, Ministry of Finance has set up a three-level system to implement open government data policies. Exploring this system might be a promising research material. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 102256009 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102256009 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [公共行政學系] 學位論文
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