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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/112687
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    Title: 外國證券商跨境提供國內投資人證券經紀服務之監理法制
    A study on the regulatory regimes governing the foreign securities firms providing securities brokerage service to the domestic investors on a cross-border basis
    Authors: 張玉璇
    Chang, Yu Hsuan
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Chang, Yu Hsuan
    Keywords: 外國證券商
    Foreign securities firms
    Providing securities brokerage service on a cross-border basis
    Providing financial service on a cross-border basis
    National treatment
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-13 14:52:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨網際網路、行動載具及數位科技之進步,金融服務之提供不再受限於地域上之隔閡。邇來,有許多國際性投資銀行擬透過其所經營之網路交易平台向我國投資人提供證券經紀服務,然因我國現今並未開放外國證券商得跨境提供我國投資人證券經紀服務,在相關規範上付之闕如。




    With the progress of the Internet, mobile vehicles and digital technology, the provision of financial service is no longer limited to geographical barriers. Recently, there are a lots of international investment banks intend to provide securities brokerage services to our domestic investors through their electronic trading platform.

    However, since Taiwan is not yet open to foreign securities firms to provide securities brokerage service to our domestic investors on a cross-border basis, there is lack of any relevant regulation.

    Nonetheless, the legal prohibition on the provision of service on a cross-border basis can not stem the tide of the cross-border securities activities resulted by the technological advancement. If one day Taiwan opens the foreign securities firms to provide securities brokerage services and/ or other financial services to our domestic investors on a cross-border basis, it is necessary and a must for Taiwan to consider what regulatory model and what regulations should be taken.

    Given the above, this study will first introduce the current regulatory regime related to the securities firms in Taiwan, and then take the regulatory regime and regulations governing the foreign securities firms providing securities brokerage service to the domestic investors on a cross-border basis adopted by the US, Australia and Germany and the three types of regulatory regimes summed up by the IOSCO, which are used for the regulation of cross-border securities activities, into account to try to propose the suggestions on the possible regulatory regime and regulations for Taiwan to adopt for this issue.

    The results of this study suggest that Taiwan should adopt the regulatory tools called National Treatment and Recognition and used them depend on the type of investor. That is, as to the non-professional investor, Taiwan should adopt National Treatment to regulate the cross-border securities brokerage service; and as to the professional investor, Taiwan should adopt Recognition to regulate the same. At the same time, this study suggests the cross- border provision of securities brokerage service could be considered to be opened by phases. Finally, as to the current Taiwan Securities and Exchange Act and its relevant regulations, this study also provide the proposed amendments and the relevant details by making reference to the regulations adopted by the US, Australia and Germany under the regulatory regime of each of them.

    In today’s world, it is a must to rethink and structure a regulatory regime and regulations that conform to the internationalization of securities and financial markets. It is hopeful that the results and suggestions in this study could assist Taiwan to gain a footing in the arena of the international financial market.
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    (六) 其他
    1. IOSCO, Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation (2010), available at: https://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD323.pdf.
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100651008
    Data Type: thesis
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