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Title: | 由史書探討西漢人物與事件網路之關係 Events-person networks of Western Han revealed from history books |
Authors: | 潘怡茹 Pan, Yi Ru |
Contributors: | 馬文忠 胡進錕 潘怡茹 Pan, Yi Ru |
Keywords: | 秦漢 西漢 史記 漢書 二分網路 社會網路 Qin and Han Dynasty Western Han Shi Ji Han Shu Bipartite network Social network |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 14:51:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文著重於西漢至新莽的歷史人物與事件關係網路之研究。
我們利用西漢具代表性的歷史鉅作-漢書(班固著)、史記(司馬遷著)中的本 紀;將本紀中出現的所有人物與事件作統整,形成人物與事件的關係網路。
此「人物與事件」關係網路,包含 883 個事件以及總人數 1891 人。我們可以 得到事件 n = 883 以及人數 m = 1891 的人物與事件關係網路矩陣 Anm 。
此「人物與事件」網路屬於二分網路,我們利用矩陣的乘法特性,可以得到 其「人物與人物」矩陣和「事件與事件」矩陣。並計算網路參數量:度中心性 (Degree Centrality)、區域中心性(Local Centrality)。使我們能得到網路重要節點 的訊息,因而去探討網路所呈現西漢的重要事件或是人物。這些經由數值計算所 得到的結果與歷史學家所觀察到的大事件是否不謀而合,又或者,以社會網路 (Social Network)的方式建構的歷史脈絡會與歷史學家有截然不同的觀點,是本
協助王莽的眾臣,對於新莽的建立也有其重要性。藉由區域中心性的特性,可以 觀察到重要事件的發生,都與漢武帝有關,此結果符合漢武帝為一代偉大君王的 形象。
歷史新的觀點,是非常有趣的課題。 We use network theory to analyze the Chinese history of “the Western Han Dynasty” , which was established by Liu Bang in 202 BC, and eliminated in 9 AD by Wang Mang who established a new Dynasty called Xin (also call Xin Mang). Xin Dynasty lasted only from 9 AD to 23 AD and was replaced by Eastern Han Dynasty (23 AD-220 AD). This research was based on two Chinese history books : Shi Ji by Sima Qian [1] and Han Shu by Ban Gu. During the Western Han Dynasty , the relatives of empresses had interfered domestic affairs for several times. Most of them were eliminated by the emperors excepted Wang Mang. We recorded the events happened in Basic Annals (本紀) from Han Shu and Shi Ji to connect with the people who participated in the events to make an Person-Event network. Trying to analyze the relation between them , wondering who plays the most important role in the network and who had the biggest power in the network . We built the adjacency matrix for the Person-person and the Event-event networks. We also calculated different centrality computing methods and the cluster coefficient. The calculation of the centrality also presented the reality of the history books. We want to understand what caused the Western Han Dynasty from prosperity to failure based on the information from networks [1]. |
Reference: | [1] T.-T. Chi, S.-C. Wang, and C.-K. Hu, Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Ap- plications 437, 408 (2015).
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[22] 班固, 中央研究院圖書館,漢籍電子文獻,漢書卷九十七下,外戚傳第六十 七下孝成趙皇后 97, 3988 ̃3999.
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[27] 班固, 中央研究院圖書館,漢籍電子文獻,漢書卷九十九下,王莽傳第六十 九下 99, 4149 ̃4194.
[28] L. Lü et al., Physics Reports 650, 1 (2016), Vital nodes identification in complex networks. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 應用物理研究所 103755002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1037550022 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [應用物理研究所 ] 學位論文
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