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Title: | 大學檔案素養通識課程規劃之研究 A Study of Planning Archival Literacy Courses for University General Education |
Authors: | 陳在眉 Chen, Tsai Mei |
Contributors: | 林巧敏 Lin, Chiao-Min 陳在眉 Chen, Tsai Mei |
Keywords: | 檔案素養 檔案素養通識課程 通識教育 Archival literacy Archival literacy courses General education |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 14:37:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 檔案素養係指個人擁有對於檔案方面的基礎知識,能夠瞭解自身檔案需求,以及具備有效率地查詢、分析、選擇、評估、利用及傳播檔案資訊的能力。但國內對於檔案應用的概念相較於圖書館的圖書館利用仍較顯薄弱,換而言之,即是檔案素養之概念較不普及。檔案界可效法圖書資訊界進行圖書館利用教育之經驗,也投入檔案利用教育之推行,並結合國內通識教育之發展,開設檔案素養通識課程,進一步培養大學生檔案素養能力。 本研究之目的,在於探討國內外檔案素養與資訊素養教育理念及其必要性,以及瞭解大學師生對於檔案素養通識課程內容規劃之意見與期許,並進一步提出較完整的大學檔案素養通識課程主題綱要與後續發展建議。 本研究參考國內外資訊素養與檔案素養相關課程綱要,整合檔案素養通識課程內容,分析歸納檔案素養通識教育所應具備的要點,並依此擬定一份檔案素養通識課程主題單元規劃。後續再搭配深度訪談法,分別由大學教師與學生雙方觀點來評估該份課綱之適用性,並依據訪談結果進行課程主題單元之調整。綜合訪談結果,本研究最終提出之檔案素養通識課程規劃有檔案知識、檔案實務工作、檔案檢索、檔案應用以及檔案倫理等五大主題,各主題之下共有22個概念單一之子單元,以供授課教師依其需求精確挑選欲與課程結合之內容。 本研究建議後續檔案素養通識課程,可彈性結合本研究歸納出之檔案素養通識課程主題綱要,建立符合教師需求之課程綱要;也可與資訊素養、文史相關通識或圖書館利用教育結合;在課程內容方面,課程設計將理論與實務相結合,使課程內容多元延伸。 Archival literacy means that someone has the basic knowledge of archives, realizes his needs of archives, and has the abilities of searching, analyzing, choosing, evaluating, using and broadcasting archival resources. However, the concept of archival public access is not as well-known as borrowing books in the library, which means that the concept of archival literacy is less popular than library instruction. To improve the notability of archival literacy, we can follow the example of library instruction to promote archives instruction, or follow the development of general education in Taiwan to offer the archival literacy courses, which can cultivate the ability of archival literacy of college students.
The purpose of this study is to explore the educational philosophy and the necessity of archival literacy and information literacy at home and abroad, and to realize the opinions and expectations of the plan of archival literacy courses from college students and teachers. Furthermore, to offer a much more complete syllabus of archival literacy courses and to make some suggestions of follow-up development.
The study explores the syllabuses of information literacy and archival literacy courses at home and abroad, and integrates the contents of these courses to analyze and sum up some principles that should take into consideration while planning archival literacy courses. According to these principles, we’ll make a list of subjects and units as for the plan of archival literacy courses. The study also explores individual views and considerations by in-depth interviewing college students who had taken a course about archival literacy and teachers that are studying in the field of archives, had been working at the archives, or had lots of experience of archival accessing. From the result we adjust the syllabus to a more flexible module includes five subjects and 22 plain units. The five subjects are: (1) the knowledge of archives, (2) the practical work of archives, (3) archives retrieval, (4) archives access (5) ethic of archives. Teachers could choose any topics or units that exactly meet their demands to combine with their syllabuses.
The study suggests that the archival literacy courses follow-up could choose some subjects or units from the syllabus that the study sorted out to make their syllabuses meet their demands; the archival literacy courses could be combined with historical course or library instruction. Finally, for the content of the curriculums, it should combine theory with practical works. Choose more units like visiting archives or accessing archives could excite the students’ interest and improve their wills to get into the class. |
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