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    Title: 從資訊-動機-行為技能模式探討N世代青年正確用藥行為
    Study of medication-taking behavior in the Net Generation using the information-motivation-behavioral skills model
    Authors: 葉明佳
    Yeh, Ming-Chia
    Contributors: 徐美苓
    Hsu, Mei-Ling
    Yeh, Ming-Chia
    Keywords: 正確用藥行為
    Correct medication-taking behavior
    Information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model
    Health literacy
    Medical self-efficacy
    The perception of behavioral barriers
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-13 14:08:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: N世代青年族群是開始以網路為主,資訊傳遞翻轉的新興世代,本研究藉由資訊-動機-行為技能模式(簡稱IMB模式)瞭解影響青年族群正確用藥行為的因子,探討青年族群醫藥素養、個人態度、用藥自我效能、行為障礙感知、醫藥傳播資訊暴露程度及正確用藥行為的發展現況,藉此發現喚起病人或家屬對病人安全及醫療風險認知的切入點,並增加警覺及主動積極性行為,與醫藥人員共同合作。為自己的健康狀態把關。
    The Net Generation is the first generation to grow up in the digital world. The goal of this study is to understand the medical behavior of the Net Generation using the information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model and the conditions of health literacy, personal attitudes, medical self-efficacy, the perception of behavioral barriers, the level of media exposure and medical behavior. To emphasize patient safety and medical risks, we tried to find the way to improve the awareness and active behavior to cooperate with medical professionals and to maintain self-health.
    The 1,198 effective samples were collected from people who were born between 1977 and 1999 through a web questionnaire.
    The study found that the Net Generation usually had correct medication-taking behavior. The frequency of the behavior from high to low was obtaining medicine through official channels, actively telling self-conditions, clearly reading medication labels, and actively consulting medical professionals. Over 99% of the participants had high health literacy and over 60% got full scores. Most of the participants tended to agree that they had positive personal attitudes and self-efficacy but disagreed they had the perception of behavioral barriers.
    Most of the participants obtained medical information through media once or twice a month. The exposure to media from high to low was professional channels, traditional mass media, and internet. The exposure to media channels in order were: Facebook, television, medical professionals, BBS, public transportation boards, and advertising brochures.
    Health literacy could only positively predict actively telling self-conditions. Personal attitudes and self-efficacy could positively predict four dependent variables of correct medication-taking behavior including obtaining medicine through official channels, actively telling self-conditions, clearly reading medication labels, and actively consulting medical professionals. And, the perception of behavioral barriers could negatively predict them.
    There were some statistically positive correlations between traditional mass media and correct medication-taking behavior including actively telling self-conditions, clearly reading medication labels, and actively consulting medical professionals. However, there was no prediction in hierarchical regression. There was a statistically negative correlation in Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression between traditional mass media and obtaining medicine through official channels.
    There were statistically positive correlations in Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression between internet and actively telling self-conditions or actively consulting medical professionals. However, there was a statistically negative correlation between internet and obtaining medicine through official channels. There was a statistically positive correlation between the internet and clearly reading medication labels but there was no prediction in hierarchical regression between them.
    There were statistically positive correlations in Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression between professional channels and actively telling self-conditions, clearly reading medication labels, or actively consulting medical professionals. There was a statistically negative correlation between professional channels and obtaining medicine through official channels but there was no correlation in hierarchical regression.
    The main contribution of this study was to support the argument that the IMB model could predict correct medication-taking behavior, especially when personal attitudes, self-efficacy and the perception of behavioral barriers are looked at. Therefore, behavioral skills were the key to correctly using medication. If someone wants to do medical behavior promotions, then the concept of the IMB model could be very effective.
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