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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/112601

    Title: 臺灣客語「過」構式:結構、語義與語音綜合分析
    Taiwan Hakka go55 constructions: A structural, semantic and phonetic integrated analysis
    Authors: 劉曉蒨
    Liu, Hsiao-chien
    Contributors: 賴惠玲

    Lai, Huei-ling
    Tseng, Shu-chuan

    Liu, Hsiao-chien
    Keywords: 趨向詞
    Hakka go55 constructions
    image schema
    Construction Grammar
    a constructional view of change
    production experiment
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-13 14:04:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨於針對臺灣客語趨向詞「過」構式提供一個具有結構、語義及語音之整合性研究。首先在句法結構層面,本文主要採用Traugott & Trousdale (2013)「以構式解析語法化的觀點」(a constructional view of change),從「構式語法」(construction grammar) 的觀點重新思考語法化 (grammaticalization) 研究的演變。為了強化構式語法的「認知概念」面向,本文將Langacker (1987)的意象模組 (image schema) 概念整合至構式分析,具體呈現認知層面與語義層面的互動關係。最後,本文操弄口語產製實驗 (production experiment),以探索語法化、結構語義及語音的弱化關係。本文希望提出一個研究趨向詞與語法化的整合框架,作為日後其他趨向詞對比研究的基礎,並能使理論發展與語言解釋能有更實質的連結。





    This dissertation aims at providing a structural, semantic and phonetic integrated analysis for Taiwan Hakka go55 constructions. First, we adopt Traugott & Trousdale`s (2013) framework, “a constructional view of change”, which reconsiders some aspects of prior works on grammaticalization from a constructional perspective. Then, we integrate Langacker`s (1987) "image schema" into our constructional analysis in the hope of linking the mapping between the cognitive and semantic aspects. Lastly, we conduct a production experiment to investigate the relation between grammaticalization and phonetic reduction.

    Much work on grammaticalization has paid attention to a morphemic or word unit in which structural and meaning changes are sometimes treated independently. We, however, investigate Hakka go55 structure [NP1+(V)+過+NP2], regarded it as a construction, and then examine the variations and interaction within a construction for capturing form and meaning changes.

    We first design a mini-corpus that collects 738 oral tokens of go55 constructions for understanding its usages and distribution. In this corpus, we identify and label the lexicons, structures and semantics of the elements of the constructions. Our targets are typical constructions and the grammaticalized ones although there are many syntactic variations in natural speech. Through the bottom-up labeling process, the result shows that there are three macro-constructions: Type A [NP1+V過+NP2], Type B [NP1+V+DC過(+D去/來)+NP2+D去/來] and Type C [NP+過+VP]. Type A and B contain all verbal and complement directional constructions, so they present many syntactic patterns in high frequency while Type C is the degree construction in low frequency.

    We further investigate the corresponding relationships among cognitive concepts, semantics and syntax. The results show that the constructional meaning is not completely independent of the verbal meaning since the verb is part of the construction. Moreover, the interaction between the other components (particularly the nouns after the verbs) affects the formation of the constructional meaning. Therefore, the cognitive concepts of image schema are first examined to understand the cognitive nature of go55 constructions and are merged into the constructional analysis based on the relation between semantic and syntax. After taking three aspects into account, we explore the emergence of constructionalization and constructional change. Then, all subconstructions form a family, organized in an inheritance hierarchy.

    In order to examine the relation between phonetic reduction and grammaticalization, finally, a production experiment is implemented to reflect the phonetic representation of go55 constructions. Hakka go55 constructions are the major targets while Mandarin ones are the supplement roles. The duration of the original data is normalized for obtaining a reliable phonetic feature signifying phonetic reduction. The results suggest that the aspectal use is prosodically less prominent than their verbal use. Potentiality forms are often reduced than the other components. Compared to the concrete-motion meaning, the abstract one is majorly reduced.

    Overall, this dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis and overview of structures, semantics and phonetics in Hakka go55 constructions.
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