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    题名: 漢語兒童在同儕對話中的請求策略
    Mandarin-speaking preschoolers` requests in peer talk
    作者: 郭妍伶
    Kuo, Yen Ling
    贡献者: 黃瓊之
    Huang, Chiung Chih
    Kuo, Yen Ling
    关键词: 言語行為
    Speech act
    Request strategy
    Peer interaction
    Naturalistic data
    Pragmatic competence
    日期: 2017
    上传时间: 2017-09-13 14:04:19 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本篇論文目的在探討兒童在同儕對話中所使用的請求言語行為,研究問題如下:1.在同儕對話中,兒童採用哪些請求策略?、2.兒童使用哪些稱呼語(alerter)和修飾語(modification)來調整他們的請求言語行為?。研究語料來自兩人一組的兒童在玩耍時的對話,兒童的年紀在四歲三個月到五歲六個月之間(平均年齡為五歲三個月)。本研究主要採用Blum-Kulka等人的請求言語行為策略分類,包含中心行為策略(head act)、稱呼語(alerter)、修飾語(modification)三個部分。研究結果發現,在中心行為策略的三個策略中—直接請求、規約性間接請求、和非規約性間接請求,兒童使用較多的直接請求策略,特別是祈使語態句(mood derivable),顯示出兒童在同儕互動中傾向使用直接且有效力的請求策略。研究結果也發現兒童會使用稱呼語和修飾語來調整請求言語行為;在稱呼語方面,兒童使用了呼喚語(vocative)和名字(name)這兩種表親密的稱呼語來吸引同儕的注意,顯示出兒童不只能判斷對話者的注意力,也知道他們與同儕之間的對等、親近關係;在修飾語方面,兒童使用較多的緩和修飾語(mitigating modifiers),而在所有修飾語中,兒童最常使用的三種分別為語氣弱化詞(downtoner)、 原因解釋(grounder)、強化詞(intensifier),另外,我們也發現到兒童有時會使用兩種以上的修飾語在單一個請求行為中,從兒童使用的各種修飾語結果顯示,兒童在做請求時,能考量不同情況和跟同儕間的關係來調整請求言語行為。本研究對於漢語兒童在同儕互動中的請求言語行為的使用,不僅顯示出他們的溝通技巧與語用能力,也反映出同儕互動的特性。
    The purpose of this study is to explore preschool children’s performance of requests in peer talk. We aim to investigate what request strategies children employ when interacting with peers and how children adjust their requests with alerters and modifications. The data analyzed were the natural conversations produced by dyads of children aged from 4;3 to 5;6 (mean age: 5;3). The analytical framework adopted in this study is mainly based on the categorization of Blum-Kulka et al. (1989), including the three components of head act, alerter, and modification. The results show that among direct request, conventionally indirect request and non-conventionally indirect request, children employed more direct request strategies, especially mood derivable. It reveals that children’s requests tend to be direct in interactions with peers as the use of direct requests is more effective to attain compliance. In addition, children were found to use alerters and modifications on some occasions to get attention and to lessen or aggravate the request force. There were two types of alerters used by the children, which were name and vocative, and vocative was used more frequently than name. The children’s use of the two intimate alerters indicates that not only can children assess the focus of their interlocutors’ attention, but also that they are aware of their equal and close relationships with their peers. Regarding the use of modifications, it was found that children used more mitigating modifiers than aggravating modifiers, and that the children used downtoner, grounder, and intensifier more frequently among the modifiers. Moreover, although the children commonly used one request with one modifier, there were some cases where the children used more than one modifier in one request. The diversity in the use of modified requests reveals the children’s sensitivity to the situations in which they and their peers are engaged, and their consideration for the maintenance of interpersonal relationships. It is concluded that Mandarin-speaking children’s use of requests not only demonstrates their communicative skills and pragmatic competence, but also reflects the nature of peer interactions.
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