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    Title: 中國與馬來西亞兩國雙園合作的外交戰略:複合互賴理論的分析
    The Strategic Analysis of Sino-Malaysian Cooperation on Industrial Parks: Perspectives of Complex Interdependence
    Authors: 吳九穎
    Wu, Jiou Ying
    Contributors: 楊昊
    Yang, Hao
    Wu, Jiou Ying
    Keywords: 中國-馬來西亞
    Twin Industrial Parks
    Complex interdependence
    National internsts
    Chinese social network
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-31 12:25:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文中國與馬來西亞合作的雙向園區作為例,為全球首創雙向合作的工業園區,探究中國與馬來西亞藉由兩國雙園產業配置的政治運作邏輯。本文發現中馬兩國雙園中設置不只是雙邊國家利益的展現,更是雙邊在地利益團體的結合,因此以「複合互賴理論」作為分析方法,觀察中國和馬來西亞如何透過產業園區的設置,把雙邊國家利益轉化成雙邊國家政策,並結合在地利益團體的目標,最後消弭中馬兩國雙邊矛盾,實行中馬兩國的國家合作計畫。最後,雙園的合作不在只是雙邊經濟的交涉,更是雙邊國家外交戰略的實行,變相成為在地利益團的建立、強化,甚至到雙邊國家關係的聯繫。
    In this paper argues that the China-Malaysia Twin Industrial Parks as an example, is first two-way cooperation of the industrial park in the world. It explore that China and Malaysia`s the political operation logic through the each industry park. This thesis finds that the China-Malaysia Twin Industrial Parks are not only the show of bilateral national interests, but also the combination of bilateral interest groups, this research conducts classification analysis called Complex Interdependence Theory.This approace is used to observe how China and Malaysia through the industrial park set up the interests of bilateral countries into bilateral policy, combined with the interests of the interests of groups, and finally eliminate the bilateral contradictions between China and Malaysia, the implementation of the two countries of the national deevelopment program. The last part is the conclusion of the thesis not only for the bilateral economic relations, but also for the implementation of bilateral countries diplomatic strategy.
    Reference: 壹、中文文獻

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