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    Title: 我國敵意併購之法制研究 ─ 以日月光收購矽品案為例
    A study of hostile takeover from legal perspective : ASE unfriendly acquired SPIL’s share through public tender offer
    Authors: 蔡敏雄
    Tsai, Min Hsiung
    Contributors: 林國全
    Tsai, Min Hsiung
    Keywords: 敵意併購
    Hostile takeover
    Closing of stock transfer books (record date)
    Director primacy
    The best interest of the company
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-31 12:19:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業為了追求規模經濟、促進效率經營、擴大市場占有率及提升產業競爭力……等目的,常藉由併購方式予以成就。而併購案件,依目標公司之意願,則有「合意併購」與「敵意併購」之分。當併購者決定發起敵意併購時,其後即是研擬如何以最低成本、最有效率之策略,遂行其目的。而身為被狙擊之目標公司,則必採行各種方式、運用各種資源與之對抗。
    In order to pursue the success of the business in terms of economy of scale、operational efficiency、market share expansion、sustainable competitive advantages, company often rely on mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) to achieve its goal. There are two major M&A deal types- “friendly takeover” and “hostile takeover”, mainly depending on the will of the target company. If one company decides to acquire the target company using “hostile takeover”, the management team of the acquiring company will need to form the most efficient strategy to reach its business goal considering the deal cost and the time spent etc.,. In contrast, the target company will then find a way to fight against the takeover by all means.
    United States of America is the country with a long history in M&A activities around the world. Taking “hostile takeover” for example, the design of the deal structure is not only diversified, but also flexible. Going forward, to construct and further complete the legal environment in Taiwan “hostile takeover” market, it is very important for our legislators to refer to and/or to learn from American experiences in M&A deals.
    In August 2015, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc (“ASE”) announced to acquire up to 25% stake in Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd. (“SPIL”) through public tender offer. The offer price represented about a 34% premium based on SPIL’s closing price. As SPIL was unaware of ASE’s plan in advance, the deal soon became the single largest “hostile takeover” case in the history of Taiwan M&A market. In addition, the follow-on legal actions against each other also provided some valuable experiences and leave us a classic case study for the reference of future M&A deal.
    While walking through the subject case, there are still some legal disputes arise. For example, ASE stated in its Public Tender Offer Prospectus (“Prospectus”) that the purpose of the deal was for “pure financial investment” , but the deal ended up to become fighting for the ownership. Are there any material misleading misstatements or omissions in the Prospectus? On the other hand, SPIL suggested its shareholders not to accept the offer price proposed by ASE and claimed the price was undervalued. However, SPIL not only invited Hon Hai Precision Industry Co as the “white knight” to prevent ASE from hostile takeover adopting even lower price in the proposed new share swap, but also applied the “lock-up period” mechanism to block ASE from attending SPIL special shareholders’ meeting and from exercising its voting right. Should the “Closing of Stock Transfer Books (so-called the record date)” system be revisited and further improvement? Furthermore, the critics questioned about the actions taken by SPIL board member were for self-interests. Whose interests indeed should the Board of Directors stand for if hostile takeover occurs? Moreover, Fair Trade Commission had extended ASE’s SPIL takeover bid review and even suspended the review afterward. Does the authority have different standard while reviewing hostile takeover deal from other deals? In addition, according to the amendment made in July 2015 to “Business Mergers And Acquisitions Act” article 5, the Board of Directors shall seek for “the best interest of the company” instead of “the best interest of the shareholders” in the M&A deal. Share price of the company might be a good indicator to evaluate the best interest of the shareholders, but how to evaluate the best interest of company when there is always tradeoff among the interests of stakeholders?
    Compare with other M&A deal in Taiwan, the attack and defense strategies in ASE/SPIL hostile takeover case was the most comprehensive and complicated from legal perspective. It also shows there is still room for improvement in hostile takeover related laws and regulations. Hopefully, through the detailed analysis, this article can offer some valuable thoughts and suggestions for the reference of future M&A deal.
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