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Title: | 區塊鏈技術與共享經濟 Blockchain and Sharing Economy |
Authors: | 謝宗益 |
Contributors: | 謝明華 謝宗益 |
Keywords: | 區塊鏈 共享經濟 Blockchain Sharing Economy Airbnb |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-31 12:09:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著時代變遷,每個人的家庭結構、生活型態、消費行為及價值觀…等方面,也隨之改變。再加上人們休閒時間的增加,因此外出旅遊的次數也隨之上升。而伴隨著網路時代的來臨,共享經濟(Sharing Economy)一詞逐漸被大眾知曉,其概念是強調將自己的閒置資源,透過網路平台分享、出租的方式,以合理的價格與其他有需要的人共用資源。也就是使用者以「租賃」取代「購買」。這一概念的出現,使得人們在出外旅遊時多了一種除了飯店與民宿之外的住宿選擇。 以P2P住房網站中的Aribnb為例,在預定該平台上之房源前,我們僅能參考房東所提供之房源照片及資訊,但無法證實這些資訊之真實性。而租賃雙方只能依靠網站上所述之評價來評斷對方之品行。但這一切的資訊都是可以造假的,因此我們該如何信任該平台上之對方,是一件很重要的事情。因此,我們可以透過區塊鏈技術來加強租賃雙方之見的信任,以及改善目前該住房網站所面臨的一些問題與痛點。 而區塊鏈是一種不依賴第三方、通過自身分散式節點進行網路數據的存儲、驗證、傳遞和交流的一種技術。該技術主要具有去中心化、透明性、開放性、不可竄改性及安全性…等性質。我們可以利用這些性質去強化租賃雙方之間的信任,以及確保儲存在該網站之所有資訊的真實性,使得使用該平台的所有用戶都擁有極大的安全性。因此,本研究將以共享經濟中著名的案例—Airbnb為例,探討目前Airbnb的營運模式、區塊鏈技術,以及加入區塊鏈技術後對Airbnb這個住房網站所帶來之影響。 The number of outbound travel had increased a lot because of new living style. The sharing economy has also been emerged from the new internet age. The concept of sharing economy is to utilize idle resources, through the Internet platform to share, rent them at a reasonable price and other people in need. That is, people have new option to "lease" instead of "buy". In the case of sharing economy of housing such as Aribnb in the P2P housing website, people can only refer to the housing photos and information provided by the landlord before booking the premises on the platform, but people is not able to confirm the authenticity of the information. And both parties can only rely on the lease on the evaluation of the site to judge each other`s conduct. But all this information might be false, so how do we trust the other side on the platform, is a very important issue. As a result, we can strengthen the trust of both parties through the blockchain technology and improve some of the problems and pain points facing the P2P housing website. Blockchain is a technology that doesn`t rely on third parties to store, validate, transmit and communicate network data through its own distributed nodes. The technology has the characteristics of decentralized, transparency, openness and security and so on. These characteristics can strengthen the trust between the two parties and to ensure that all the information stored in the blockchain. Therefore, this thesis uses Airbnb as a case to discuss the current Airbnb operating model and the impact on business model with the addition of blockchain. |
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