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Title: | 人格特質與女性化妝品消費動機關聯之研究 Research of the relationship between female consumers’ personality and their cosmetic consumption motivation |
Authors: | 林洋 Lin, Yang |
Contributors: | 郭貞 林洋 Lin,Yang |
Keywords: | 化妝品 自我監控 自尊 自戀 消費動機 Cosmetic Self-monitoring Self-esteem Narcissism Motivation |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-28 12:06:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 進入以符號消費為重要特徵的消費社會時代後,和其他許多消費品一樣,人們在消費化妝品的過程中既在意它的實用功能,也把它視為一種具有感性的、文化價值意義的符號。在這種情境下,消費者的個人特質對其化妝品消費行為的影響就值得更多的討論。 本研究以20至35歲、有使用化妝品習慣的女性為研究對象,探討消費者的三種人格特質:「自我監控」、「自尊」和「自戀」,與其化妝品的兩種主要消費動機:「實用性動機」和「符碼性動機」之間的聯繫。考慮到消費者可能會對不同類型的產品有不同的消費動機,本研究將化妝品分為保養品和彩妝品兩個類型,並探討消費者的人格特質對其化妝品消費動機的影響,是否會因為化妝品類型的不同(保養品和彩妝品)而存在差異。 在實驗方法上,本研究採立意抽樣的方式,以網路問卷的形式調查,共得到342份有效問卷。經SPSS數據分析,本研究發現:消費者實用性動機和符碼性動機,在保養品和彩妝品兩種化妝類型上存在顯著差異;在購買化妝品(包括保養品和彩妝品)時,消費者的自我監控水平對其實用性動機沒有影響,但對其符碼性動機有正向影響;在購買化妝品(包括保養品和彩妝品)時,消費者的自戀水平對其實用性動機沒有影響,但對其符碼性動機有正向影響;不管是在購買保養品或是彩妝品時,消費者的自尊水平對其符碼性動機沒有影響,但在購買彩妝品時,自尊水平對實用性動機有正向影響。 With the development of science and technology, we are in the consumer society, which is characterized by symbol consumption. Like many other consumer goods, customers considerate cosmetics not only just as commodites with practical functions, but also as symbols with emotional and cultural meaning. Due to this, the impact of customers’ personal characteristics on their consumer behavior deserves more discussion. Therefore, how do customers’ personal characteristics affect their consumer behaviors deserves more focus and discussions. This study chose the female cosmetic customers who aged between 20-35 years old as the samples, to explore relations between customers’ cosmetic consumption motivations (including Practical Motivation and Symbolic Motivation) and customers’ personality traits (including self-monitoring, self-esteem and narcissism). Moreover, in this study, the cosmetics products were divided into two types: Skin-care product and Make-up product, to discuss whether the effects what personality traits worked on the consumption motives will vary from types of cosmetic product. The survey tested respondents for their customers’ personality traits and inquired their cosmetic consumption motivations by online questionnaires. Three hundred and forty-two questionnaires were returned. After statistical analysis, we found that customers’ motivations were significantly different between the two types of cosmetics, Make-up and Skin-care. Then, for both types of cosmetic product, consumers’ self-monitoring degree and narcissistic degree cannot affect their practical motivations. However, customers’ self-monitoring degree and narcissistic degree have positive impacts on their symbolic motivations respectively. Finally, symbolic motivations cannot be influenced by customers’ self-esteem level. However, for the Make-up products, it is noteworthy that consumers` self-esteem level affect symbolic motivations positively, while the same impact cannot be found in the Skin-care products. |
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