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    Title: 工業4.0下企業技術創新活動影響因素之探討
    How does Industry 4.0 affect the industrial practices of technological innovation?
    Authors: 李明濬
    Lee, Ming Jiunn
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Lee, Ming Jiunn
    Keywords: 工業4.0
    Industry 4.0
    Technology innovation
    Knowledge management
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-28 12:05:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 製造業是台灣經濟發展的重點產業,科技快速的發展加速工業技術的革新,面對全球的競爭,我國製造業需透過持續的創新來維持其在國際上的競爭地位。工業4.0下的技術創新即是製造業在尋求發展與成長的最佳動能。近年來的文獻多半針對工業4.0的概念進行介紹,較少研究工業4.0這個新興的議題,亦較少談論企業如何進行工業4.0的技術創新活動。本研究藉由個案訪談了解我國企業在面對工業技術快速變化之下,推動工業4.0技術創新活動的實際作為,並以「組織方式」與「知識管理」兩大構面為主軸,針對我國三家在不同產業中具優異表現的公司進行研究,得到了以下的結論:
    Manufacturing industry is one of the backbones of Taiwanese economy. As the rapid development of technology accelerates the innovation of industry, Taiwan’s manufacturing should be more aggressive in innovation in order to maintain its competitiveness in the global world. “Industry 4.0” provides the best opportunity for manufacturing companies for growth. In the past few years, the research and studies of Industry 4.0 focused more on providing an overall preliminary introduce and rarely mention how companies can apply it to the innovation activities. This study aims to investigate the actual responses of companies while doing technology innovation activities in "Industry 4.0". A framework with two major constructs: organizing, knowledge management is adopted for this study. And three leading companies in different industry are selected. Three conclusions from this study are as follows:
    1. Enterprises that promote Industry 4.0 technology innovation activities will be usually extended from their existing business, and have different direction for business development according to their industry types.
    2. Enterprises that promote Industry 4.0 technology innovation activities will require the responsible teams to have higher level of authority and cross functional integration. The ability to communicate and integrate will be also emphasized by the team leaders.
    3. The breadth and depth of integration will be emphasized when the enterprises try to integrate the related knowledge of Industry 4.0.
    Finally, there are some recommendations for industry and follow-up researcher.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104364109
    Data Type: thesis
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