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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/112202
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    Title: 華人虛榮在人際互動上的展現
    The Effect of Chinese Vanity on the Interpersonal Interaction
    Authors: 賴人慈
    Lai, Jen Tzu
    Contributors: 孫蒨如
    Lai, Jen Tzu
    Keywords: 華人虛榮
    Chinese vanity
    Interpersonal feedback
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-28 11:40:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   考量到華人文化的特色,本研究以西方對虛榮的定義為基礎,新增了「個人家世背景」內涵,並定義「華人虛榮」為:「個人對於個人外貌、成就及家世背景的重視及正向看法」,以期能更貼近華人的文化內涵。實驗一主要檢驗「個人家世背景」是否為華人虛榮重要面向,結構方程模式(SEM)分析結果顯示「個人家世背景」面向確實穩定存在,且與「個人外貌」及「個人成就」這兩面向共同建構了完整的「華人虛榮」概念。實驗一也發現華人虛榮與多項正向心理健康指標成正相關。實驗二則進一步探討華人虛榮對於人際互動的影響,實驗2a為一2(虛榮程度:高vs.低)X 2(資源狀況:多vs.少)的設計,嘗試透過操弄參與者自身所擁有之資源多寡,亦即擁有充分的機會或僅有有限的機會去了解互動對方的狀況,來探討高虛榮者在資源有限的狀況下,是否會更在意且優先選擇與虛榮相關之訊息-尤其是個人家世背景相關訊息。結果顯示,相較於低虛榮者,高虛榮者確實選擇較多與虛榮相關之對方訊息。實驗2b則為一個2(虛榮程度:高vs.低)X 3(人際回饋:正向vs.中性vs.負向)實驗設計,聚焦在高/低虛榮者的自我呈現上,藉由操弄互動對方所給予之正向/中性/負向人際回饋,來了解當面對陌生他人不同向度的人際回饋時,高/低虛榮者所選擇呈現的自我相關訊息是否會有所不同。結果顯示,相較於低虛榮者,高虛榮者明顯選擇呈現較多與虛榮相關之個人訊息。本研究透過兩個實驗證實華人虛榮確實具有不同的文化意涵,其中個人家世背景扮演了頗為重要的角色;同時也顯示虛榮並不像過往所認為的那樣負面,而是與幸福感、正向自我認知及社會適應等具有正向關聯。
    In this research, we defined “Chinese Vanity” by adding a new element “personal family background” into the original definition of vanity. In study 1, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the new model of Chinese Vanity, the results showed that the new model is well fitted, and the scores on the Chinese Vanity scale is also positively correlated with several psychological health indexes, such as self-esteem and subjective well-being. Furthermore, we investigated how people with high or low Chinese Vanity scores interacted with others. Study 2a was a 2(Chinese Vanity: high vs. low) X 2(resource: bountiful vs. limited) design. We found that, compared with those who scored low on the Chinese Vanity scale, people with high Chinese Vanity score asked significantly more vanity-related personal information from their partner. Study 2b aimed at examining how people with high/low vanity scores would present themselves when they facing different types of interpersonal feedback. Participants were assigned to a 2(Chinese Vanity: high vs. low) X
    3 (interpersonal feedback: positive vs. neutral vs. negative) design. The results showed a Chinese Vanity main effect. That is, people with high vanity score would present significantly more vanity-related personal information to their partners in all conditions. Through these studies, we concluded two main points: Firstly, Chinese Vanity does reflect the cultural particularity, and the “personal family background” is important to the Chinese. Secondly, since Vanity is positively correlated with psychological health indexes, it might have some positive implications.
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