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Title: | 海運承攬運送業導入新服務模式發展之探討- 以A公司為例 The Exploration on the Introduction of New Service Model Development – A Case Study of Ocean Freight Forwarder Company A |
Authors: | 蔣懷德 Chiang, Huai-Te |
Contributors: | 李易諭 Lee, Yih-Yuh 蔣懷德 Chiang, Huai-Te |
Keywords: | 海運承攬運送業 海運快遞 新服務發展 品質機能展開 Ocean freight forwarders Ocean express New service development Quality function deployment |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-28 11:32:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 海運承攬運送業在進入跨境電商蓬勃發展的年代,貨物才積越來越小,單票貨量逐漸萎縮,貨物價值越來越高,並且在船公司與空運公司分食國際運輸的大餅後,海運承攬運送業的生存空間已經被極度壓縮到了難以生存的處境。 民國102年推出了「海運快遞貨物通關辦法」,讓海運承攬運送業看見了一線生機,這個辦法在推出時是以台北港與福建平潭之間的快速貨輪為運具所立的辦法,這條專有航線原本的用意在於將台灣的產品利用海運快遞的方式,經過福建平潭進入大陸地區,但是在2016年新政府上台後,因為兩岸關係急凍,福建平潭單方面以各種理由延遲了所有海運快遞的通關時間,讓這項原本稱做為海運快遞的專線,變的一點都不快。 但是通關辦法已經存在,本研究將以A公司的專長「廣東省-基隆」這條航線為例,建立在台灣法源基礎的範圍內,利用海運快遞這個通關模式,將原本不合法的假海運快遞(雜貨櫃),用符合法令規範的方式來運輸與通關,建立新服務發展(NSD)為研究架構,再以品質機能展開(QFD)的品質屋來做為研究方法,建立新服務發展模型,A公司能在既有的基礎上開創出一條全新的服務與道路。 Freight forwarders in the vigorous development of the cross-border electricity supplier`s goods to accumulate more and more small, single ticket volume shrinking, the value of the goods is more and more high, and the ship company and the Airborne Inc eating pie international transport, shipping industry living space has been compressed to the difficult survival situation. In 2013, launched the "customs clearance to express cargo shipping, freight forwarders to see this approach in the launch of a slim chance of survival, is a fast ship between Taipei port and Fujian Pingtan for transportation have made this way, originally designed for exclusive route, the Gulf of products using maritime express way after Fujian, Pingtan into the mainland, but in 2016 after the new government came to power, because of cross-strait relations frozen, Fujian Pingtan unilaterally for various reasons to delay all shipping Express customs clearance, make this originally called for the sea transport express line, a little change is not fast. But the clearance measures already exist, this study will use the A company`s expertise "in Guangdong Province - Keelung" this route as an example, based on the scope of legal basis in Taiwan, using the express shipping and customs, originally illegal fake courier shipping (grocery cabinet), by coincidence to standard way to transport with the establishment of customs clearance, new service development (NSD) as the research framework with quality function deployment (QFD) of the house of quality as the research methods, the establishment of new service development model, A company can create a new service and road in the existing infrastructure. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 104932413 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932413 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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