Abstract: | 日本現存最早的書籍《古事記》中記載許多關於「恥」的描述。例如:在黄泉國訪問的故事中,妻子伊耶那美禁止丈夫伊耶那岐看她,但伊耶那岐卻違反禁忌看了妻子,因而引發她產生「恥」的感受。除此之外,同書中的豐玉毘賣生產故事,亦有火遠理命因打破了「不可看」的禁忌,進而誘發豐玉毘賣的「恥」。不僅如此,同時代的文獻《日本書紀》《風土記》二書中,亦載有與「恥」相關的故事。由此可見,「恥」乃為日本上代文學中一重要的主題。並且,直至今日,「恥」的相關用語仍可見於日本人生活之中。由此可見「恥」之情感表現,在日本文化社會中淵遠流長,具有重要的意義。 文學既為文化之一環,又與文化相互呼應。因此,對於文學作品中「恥」的故事的考察,不僅有助於對日本文學的理解,更能進一步體悟存在於日本文化深層中「恥」的概念。本研究以日本現存最早之三書──《古事記》《日本書紀》《風土記》為中心,透過探究「恥」的發生要素、構造和機能,整理歸納出日本上代文學中有關「恥」的表現方式與特色。 研究方法主要採用文獻分析、文本分析之方法,針對故事中之用詞、文脈、故事中人物之情感表現,以及「恥」之發生的路徑等等進行詳細的考察。其間,輔以文化人類學之相關資料,以掌握故事背後的文化意涵以及「恥」的意義。 “Koziki”, known as the earliest literature of Japan, concluded a lot of description about “shame”. For example, in the story ‘yomotsukuni houmon setsuwa’, the wife, Izanami, forbade her husband, Izanaki, to take a glance at her, but Izanaki disobeyed her words and made Izanami feel ashamed. In another story ‘Toyotamabime shussan setsuwa’, since Hoori violated the taboo ‘miruna’ (do not look), Toyotamabime felt ashamed. Moreover, there are still other stories that related to “shame” in the contemporary literature “Nihonsyoki” and “Fudoki”. Furthermore, the Japanese still use the word “hazukasyii (shame)” nowadays. It can be seen that “shame” is the one of themes that important not only to ancient literature of Japan, but also to recent Japan. Originally, literature is not only a part of culture, but also reflects culture. Therefore, studying the stories related to “shame” in ancient Japan literature can help us know more about the concept of “shame”, which is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. Focusing on the earliest three exist contexts “Koziki”, “Nihonshyoki”, and “fudoki”, author observed expressions and the features of “shame” by analyzing its occurrences, constructions and function. Author thoroughly observed the chosen words, constructions and the expression of the characters of the stories, and the process of occurrence of “shame” by adopting documental and textual analysis method. Additionally, since that “shame” is a critical element of Japanese culture, author took the materials related to folklore and cultural anthropology to understand the cultural implications of the story, and reveal the meaning of “shame”. |