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    Title: 越南的中國政策 : 審視對沖策略
    Vietnam’s China Policy : An Examination of “Hedging Strategy”
    Authors: 阮親蘭
    Thuong, Nguyen Thi
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Chiang, Chia-Hsiung
    Nguyen Thi Thuong
    Keywords: 越南的对冲策略
    Vietnam’s hedging strategy
    Economic pragmatism
    Direct engagement
    Hard balancing
    Soft balancing
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:21:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 对于中国来说,对大国的渴望不再是这个问题,对邻近的东南亚国家实际上是有重大影响的。因此,近期国际关系奖学金已经引人注目的尝试,将“对冲”理念作为一种流行和根本的动态策略。本论文认为,越南对冲策略的选择是适当的,以便对付与中国的关系,但尚未完全保护越南的国家利益。本论文探讨了这一战略的四个关键组成部分:经济实用主义,硬平衡和软平衡。通过考虑和重新评估这些因素,研究发现了妨碍越南对冲实施的困难。此外,它还分析了大湄公河次区域(GMS)在经济领域的案例研究,以支持对经济实用主义的看法。最终得出结论,尽管越南在采取套期保值策略之后获得了一定的利益,但这些成就产生了国家安全的新风险,这可能会加剧该国在处理南海争端方面的压力。
    For China, the aspiration to great power no longer seems out of the question and this has actually a significant impact for neighboring Southeast Asian states. For this reason, there have been noticeable attempts in recent International Relations scholarship to introduce the concept of ‘hedging’ as a popular and fundamentally dynamic strategy for them. This thesis argues that the choice of Vietnam’s hedging strategy is appropriate so as to manage its relations with China, but has not yet protected Vietnam’s national interests completely. This thesis examines three of four key components of this strategy: economic pragmatism, hard balancing and soft balancing. By considering and reassessing these elements, the study finds difficulties that interfere in the implementation of Vietnam’s hedging. Furthermore, it incorporates an analysis of a case study in the economic realm, Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) in supporting the perceptions of economic pragmatism. Ultimately, it concludes that though Vietnam gains certain interests after adopting hedging strategy, those achievements produce new risks of national security that might increase more pressures for the country in dealing with the South China Sea (SCS) disputes.
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