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    Title: 台灣企業導入阿米巴經營管理之可行性分析
    Assessment of the practicality of Taiwanese enterprises adopting amoeba management
    Authors: 呂怡錦
    Lu, Yi Ching
    Contributors: 管康彥
    Lu, Yi Ching
    Keywords: 價值提升
    Added value
    Cost competitiveness
    Amoeba management system
    Dynamic capabilities
    Management philosophy
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:19:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣國內市場小,出口是台灣產業重要發展方向,故全球市場是台灣發展經濟重要的舞台。然而,台灣企業無論是全球主流型企業或是全球利基型企業都鮮少做到在尖端基礎科學、科技領域擁有領先的核心技術,成為該產業的領導者。
    Due to the small size of Taiwan’s domestic market, exports play an important role in Taiwan’s economy. However, with limited access to core technologies, Taiwanese enterprises that excel in developing business overseas as global mainstream or niche companies rarely become top players in their respective industries.
    Moreover, owners of these Taiwanese enterprises tend to rely on bulk orders from overseas clients to gain corporate profits and sustain global competitiveness, but are unlikely to maintain product or service competitiveness in the global market because of failure in fundamental cost reduction.
    This study investigates the practice of the Amoeba Management System (AMS) when applied to Axiomtek, Advantech, Golden Friends Corporation, and three European companies. By comparing the scenario of Kazuo Inamori’s AMS in Kyocera Corporation and how he applied it to Japan Airlines with the scenario of implementing the AMS in the said Taiwanese (i.e., Axiomtek, Advantech, and Golden Friends Corporation) and European companies while analyzing the problems arising from the implementation in these companies, the study finally identifies the characteristics of Taiwanese companies that are suitable for adopting the AMS.
    The study findings reveal that the implementation of AMS is effective in four types of Taiwanese enterprises: (1) enterprises whose owners motivate employees toward achieving corporate goals, (2) enterprises that adequately apply the AMS to their accounting management systems, (3) enterprises that apply a market-based approach to developing their enterprise resource planning systems, and (4) enterprises that provide employees with competitive salaries and benefits packages.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363057
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