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Title: | 臺灣北部地區大學生的學習動機、學習投入對學習成效之影響研究 The relationship among learning motivation, learning engagement and learning outcomes of undergraduate students in northern Taiwan |
Authors: | 張家淇 Chang, Chia-Chi |
Contributors: | 陳榮政 Chen, Robin Jung-Chang 張家淇 Chang, Chia-Chi |
Keywords: | 學習動機 學習投入 學習成效 結構方程模式 Learning motivation Learning engagement Learning outcomes Structural equation modeling |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-08-10 10:14:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解當前北部地區大學生的學習動機、學習投入對學習成效之現況;分析不同背景變項下,大學生的學習動機、學習投入對學習成效之差異;探究大學生的學習動機、學習投入對學習成效之線性結構關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,並以臺灣目前就讀北部地區大學校院的大學生為研究對象,總共抽取558 份問卷,回收406份有效問卷,問卷回收率為73%。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析與薛費法、結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析,本研究分析結果如下: 壹、臺灣北部地區大學生的「學生學習動機」與「學生學習成效」之知覺程度屬於「中高程度」,而「學生學習投入」之知覺程度屬於「中低程度」。 貳、不同背景變項下,臺灣北部地區大學生所知覺的「學生學習動機」並無差異。 參、臺灣北部地區大學生,因「公立/國立或私立學校」之不同,而有不同的「學生學習投入」知覺感受,以「私立」大學生知覺最高。 肆、臺灣北部地區大學生,因「工讀時數」之不同,而有不同的「學生學習成效」知覺感受,以工讀時數達「21小時以上」之大學生知覺最高。 伍、臺灣北部地區大學生的「學生學習動機」對促進「學生學習成效」有助益。 陸、臺灣北部地區大學生的「學生學習動機」對促進「學生學習投入」有助益。 柒、臺灣北部地區大學生的「學生學習投入」對促進「學生學習成效」有助益。 捌、臺灣北部地區大學生的「學生學習動機」與「學生學習投入」對提高「學生學習成效」有助益,且「學生學習投入」為「部分中介」變項。 The purposes of this study are to understand the current situation of learning motivation, learning engagement and learning outcomes of undergraduate students in northern Taiwan; to analyze the diversity of different background variables in learning motivation, learning engagement and learning outcomes of undergraduate students in northern Taiwan; to explore the linear structural relationship of learning motivation, learning engagement and learning outcomes of undergraduate students in northern Taiwan. Questionnaire survey was utilised in this study, and undergraduate students in northern Taiwan were adopted as the research objects. 558 questionaires were sent out, which valid questionaires were 406. The validity of the responded questionaires was 73%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffé method, as well as structural equation modeling (SEM). The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1.Undergraduate students’ perception of learning motivation and learning outcomes is above average, while undergraduate students’ perception of learning engagement is under average. 2.There is no significant difference of learning motivation which undergraduate students in northern Taiwan perceive when background variables varies. 3.There is significant difference of learning engagement which undergraduate students in northern Taiwan perceive in terms of public or private schools, especially those who are in private schools perceive the most. 4.There is significant difference of learning outcomes which undergraduate students in northern Taiwan perceive in terms of part-time job hours, especially those who work more than 21 hours perceive the most. 5.Learning motivation of undergraduate students in northern Taiwan has direct effect on learning outcomes. 6.Learning motivation of undergraduate students in northern Taiwan has direct effect on learning engagement. 7.Learning engagement of undergraduate students in northern Taiwan has direct effect on learning outcomes. 8.Learning motivation and learning engagement of undergraduate students in northern Taiwan have direct effect on learning outcomes, and learning engagement plays as a mediator. |
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