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    Title: 大學生成就目標、心理資本、學習投入與學習收穫之研究
    A Study of College Students Achievement Goal, Psychological Capital, Learning Engagement and Learning Outcomes
    Authors: 楊潔
    Yang, Jie
    Contributors: 王鍾和
    Yang, Jie
    Keywords: 成就目標
    Achievement goal
    Psychological capital
    Learning engagement
    Learning outcomes
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:12:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的在於建構並驗證大學生成就目標、心理資本、學習投入對學習收穫之影響模式,採用立意抽樣的方式,以1136位大陸大學生為研究對象,使用大學生成就目標量表、大學生心理資本量表、大學生學習投入量表以及學習收穫量表進行測量,再以描述統計、信度分析、因素分析、多變量變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析與結構方程模型等統計方法進行分析。結果發現:
    The study aimed to construct and examine the model of college students` achievement goals, psychological capital, learning engagement and learning outcomes. A total of 1136 college students of China were enrolled to collect measurement of constructs based on self-report questionnaires, which included " College Students` Achievement Goals Scale", " College Students` Psychological Capital Scale", " College Students` Learning Engagement Scale" and " College Students` Learning Outcomes Scale ". The statistical analysis were conducted by descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, multivariate regression analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. The study finding were as follows:
    1. In the pursuit of college students` achievement goals, the most important was "mastery goal". There were significant differences in the scores of "performance goals" and "achievement goals" among college students of different discipline.
    2. Psychological capital of college students was better. There were significant differences in the "self-efficacy" of college students with different gender. There were significant differences in the four dimensions of psychological capital among college students with different discipline. There were significant differences in the dimensions of "psychological capital" and "hope" among college students of different grades.
    3. The college students had a better degree of learning engagement . There were significant differences in "behavioral engagement" and "learning engagement" among college students with different gender. There were significant differences in "cognitive engagement" among different discipline college students.
    4. The college students learning outcomes were very well, students of different grades in the "professional outcomes", "application outcomes" and "learning outcomes" were significantly different.
    5.There is a significant positive correlation between achievement goals, psychological capital, learning engagement and learning outcomes.
    6. The dimensions of achievement goals were significant correlate positively with the dimensions of learning engagement and the dimensions of learning outcomes.
    7. The college students` psychological capital of "self-efficacy", "hope" and "optimism" had a moderate significant positive correlation with the dimensions of learning engagement and learning outcomes. Resilience with "emotional engagement" and "cognitive engagement" had weak positive correlation; Resilience with the dimensions of learning outcomes had significant positive correlation.
    8.There is a significant positive correlation between the dimensions of college students` learning engagement and the dimensions of learning outcomes.
    9. "Emotional engagement" of college students is important variables in predicting "learning outcomes" and its dimensions.
    10. The achievement goals and psychological capital of college students not only influence learning outcomes directly, also influence learning outcomes through learning engagement indirectly.
    Based on this research results, several suggestions were proposed for future practical application and futher research.
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